16 - Out Of Love

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Y/N didn't know Jay's number so she had to pace back and forth through the waiting area, anxiously checking her watch and praying for news about Grandma's condition. The sterile smell of the hospital seemed to make the whole situation feel even more overwhelming. Her headache and cold were worsening but she had to keep pushing through.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a doctor approached Y/N with a somber expression. She took a deep breath, her heart pounding, and looked at the doctor expectantly. "How is she? Is Grandma going to be okay?"

She offered a gentle smile and a reassuring pat on Y/N's shoulder. "Your grandmother is stable now. It seems she had a fainting spell, possibly due to a sudden drop in blood pressure. We'll need to run some tests to determine the exact cause, but for now, she's resting."

"Thank you." Y/N let out a sigh of relief, her hands shaking as she held the doctor. She had been holding onto so much fear and anxiety, and the doctor's words were like a balm to her frayed nerves.

"You're welcome. We'll be monitoring her closely and doing everything we can to ensure her well-being. But Miss, you don't look so good yourself. Are you okay?"

"Yes," Y/N shook her head before the doctor rested her hand against her forehead. "Just a little cold-"

"You're burning." The doctor's eyes widened before she quickly took out her thermometer and checked Y/N's temperature. "You have a very high fever. This is serious. We need to get you treated immediately."

Her heart sank. She wanted to see Grandma but all that stress and exhaustion she ignored earlier had caught up to her. Y/N felt like the whole world was spinning around her. Her vision started to blur as she nodded weakly. "Okay, please... help me." But the next thing she knew, everything faded into a haze. Her body grew heavy and she found herself collapsing to the cold, unforgiving floor.

But through the haze, a pair of strong arms lifted her gently, cradling her like a fragile treasure. Her head rested against a sturdy shoulder, and she could feel the rhythm of a heartbeat against her cheek. She could vaguely hear the sound of her name being called, but the words seemed to be coming from far away. The sensations were muted, and she felt disconnected from her own body.

"Y/N!" A voice urged, and she recognized it as Jay's, though it felt distant. She sighed, slowly drifting out of consciousness. 

Nothing made sense anymore. She could hear voices and sounds, but her body felt distant as if it belonged to someone else. She wasn't sure how long this went on, but eventually, the haze began to lift, like the morning mist being slowly pushed away by the sun. Y/N opened her eyes.

When her consciousness returned, the first thing she noticed was the softness beneath her. She was lying in a bed, covered with a warm blanket that felt like velvet against her skin. She blinked a few times, her gaze adjusting to the subdued light.

Slowly, she pushed herself up onto her elbows and looked around the room, taking in the details that were beginning to sharpen in her awareness. There were a few people in the room but Jay was nowhere to be found. She definitely heard him call her name. Tubes and monitors were connected to her but she took them off and stood up, trying not to disturb the room's occupants.

She carefully walked to the door, pushing it open before she stepped out into the hallway. Then the doctor who talked to her came in sight and if Y/N could run, she would have sprinted towards her. "Doctor!"

"Miss Y/N? What are you-" She quickly approached her, holding her hand while Y/N tried to catch her breath from the excitement and urgency in her voice. 

"How's Grandma?" Y/N blurted out, worried that perhaps something had gone wrong while she was unconscious.

The doctor's expression softened as she looked into Y/N's eyes. "She's resting in the recovery room. She'll be fine, you don't have to worry. Do you feel better? It's been four hours since you lost consciousness."

"Yeah, I do." She nodded. "Was there anyone here with me? I think I heard my friend."

"Oh, the young man? He helped us carry you into the room when you fainted. He was very worried when you lost consciousness. He's in the waiting area just down the hall." 

Her heart skipped a beat. "Thank you. I'll go see him." She let go off the doctor's hand and bowed gratefully before making her way towards the waiting area. Slowly making her way towards the waiting area, she couldn't imagine how worried he must have been when he came back home to no one. He must have felt so alone and lost. 

When she approached the waiting area, she saw him. Jay was sitting in a chair, alone, his hands clasped together and his eyes focused on the ground as if lost in thought. "Jay." Y/N's voice trembled slightly as she called out his name and his head snapped up, his breath catching in his throat as he locked eyes with her.

He was on his feet in an instant, closing the distance between them with quick strides. His arms enveloped her in a tight hug, and Y/N held onto him so tight she felt like she was holding onto a lifeline. "It's okay, Y/N," His hand rested against her hair, closing his eyes to feel the warmth of the moment. "Grandma is okay and you're awake now. That's all that matters."

"I was so s-scared..." She sobbed into his chest, her voice trembling. The relief of being in his arms, the comfort of his presence, allowed her to finally let go of the fear and uncertainty that had gripped her. 

Jay's fingers gently stroked her back as he held her. "I know, Y/N. But I'm here now, you don't have to be scared anymore. Everything will be alright." He was there now and Y/N could just breathe and let herself be held. 

The two of them were back in the room where Y/N was staying because visiting hours were restricted for the time being and they had to wait a little more to go see Grandma. "You didn't sleep." She asked while lying on the bed and Jay shook his head.

"It's okay. I don't need much sleep when I'm worried about you." He brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his touch gentle and comforting. 

"You're too good to me, Jay." She muttered, her voice filled with emotions that she found hard to put into words.

Jay leaned in, placing a tender kiss on her forehead. "I do it out of love, Y/N."

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