Getting comfortable

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I turned off the tap and turned around only to collide into his body, I looked up at his face squinting, still feeling the painful sting in my eyes. He looked at me with folded arms.

" Sorry" I managed to word out
" Are you okay now?" He asked and I lowered my head
" It still hurts" I said honestly. I heard him sigh before holding me back to the sink, he turned on the tap again and stood behind me, his hands by my sides, his head leaned over my shoulder, while he used his hand in washing my eyes again.

He was so close that his scent became the air I breathe. He used his left hand in brushing the hair from my face over my neck, and over my shoulder to my back, his fingers brushing against my skin in the process, I shivered at the feeling and I felt him pause.
    I badly wanted to look at his face but decided against it. After a few seconds, he continued, when he was done, he moved away from me, I turned around, some strands of my hair were wet, I looked at him, I could still feel my eyes hurt a little but it was alot better.

" How is it now?" He asked, no readable expression on his face, I just nodded and he immediately turned around to leave, he stopped when he got to the door " Next time, pay more attention to your food" he said without looking at me then he walked out. God, I felt so embarrassed.

Later that night before entering my room, i saw Abel following Gabriel into his room, I knew they were probably going to talk about me, I just hoped they would like me.

I laid on my bed thinking I won't be able to sleep but fortunately, I slept comfortably.

I woke up late the next morning, the time was past 8, I felt I had given a bad impression, I always woke up very early, how come I got so comfortable and woke so late? .
    However I quickly brushed my teeth before coming out of my room. The house seemed very quiet, I started climbing down the stairs, that was when I heard Mrs Fidelia's voice, I got down and saw her, she sat on a couch with her phone by her ear as she spoke.

Immediately she saw me, she smiled sweetly, giving me a small wave and I smiled back. She soon hung up the call and stood facing me
" How was your night?" She asked, I just nodded " Gabriel and Abel has gone to school, my husband left for work already" she said as she walked to me
" I have prepared everything for your school, I don't know if you'll feel comfortable to start tomorrow" she said
" You changed my school?" I asked, I really hoped she did.

" Oh yes I did, I figured that school wouldn't be good for you anymore, besides we are very far away from your old home, you'll be going to same school with Gabriel, I hope you are okay with that?" She asked waiting for my reply.

Same school with Gabriel? It was definitely a big school, I was happy. I smiled at her " Yes, I like it" I said and her smile widened
" Good then, your food is right there" Mrs Fidelia said pointing to the dinning area. " Help yourself, you'll start school tomorrow then, maybe we could go shopping later today, yes?" She asked and I nodded happily.
     She patted my shoulder softly before walking back to the couch dialing on her phone again and started talking to someone on the phone again.

I turned to the dinning with a smile as I walked towards it. My life was surely changing for the better, I hope it did. I loved how nice Mrs Fidelia was to me, there was not a single sign of pretence, well not like I was good at detecting when a person lied.

   The day was fast, I finished eating and then took my bath, Mrs Fidelia took me out to shop, she bought me alot of girly stuffs, like clothes, shoes, hair pins, scrunchies, make up, jewelries and a lot more, I couldn't be more thankful, she was too nice, she also got me everything I'll need for school, at a point I tried to protest saying it was enough but she wouldn't listen.

We got home to meet Gabriel and Abel already back from school, Abel was doing his school homework, I guessed as he was laid on the floor with books in front of him while he wrote in them.
    Gabriel sat operating his phone. I went upstairs to keep everything, I heard Mrs Fidelia talking to Gabriel, from the few words I heard, I guessed it was about me going to school with him. I prayed he had no problem with it.

That night however, I couldn't get myself to fall asleep, I was in my pajamas, I laid on my bed starring at the ceiling, I looked at the clock on the small table by my bed, the time was 12:15am. I sighed and stood up. Maybe if I walked around I would be able to find sleep. I don't know how dumb that sounded but well, I was naturally dumb so don't blame me.

I strolled out of my room, the lights in the passage were dim , I got to the stairs and climbed down, I noticed the lights in the kitchen were on, I walked towards it, when I entered I was surprised , Gabriel was there, he was filling a bowl with popcorns, he was on an ash coloured singlet and sweatpants, his hair was a bit rough.

He raised his face to look at me, I blinked
" What are you doing awake?" He asked and turned going to keep the rest of the popcorn in the fridge " I couldn't sleep" I muttered.


He he he
Am I evil? I'm sorry

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