Don't stop

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  I tried to wiggle myself out of his embrace but he only tightened his grip on me and buried his face in my neck " Baby.." he whispered into my neck making goosebumps line my skin. I blinked. " I'm sorry" he continued.

" Gabriel . Let go" I said softly trying to unwrap his hands from around me. The effect of him speaking into my neck was one thing, and him calling me baby was another. I didn't like the way my body reacted to his tune either
" Gabriel let go" I repeated louder
" Are you this way because of Hazel?" He asked. I paused. Who is Hazel?

" Baby.. I didn't invite her over, she came of her own will and I sent her out. You wouldn't be seeing her anymore, infact no girl would be coming here ever again" he spoke softly in a reassuring tune into my neck and my body started to relax on its own accord.

" I... It's none of my business what you do or who you hang out with" I spoke, even though I knew that was a lie.
" Umm" Gabriel hummed . I tried to pull away again
" Relax baby" Gabriel breath into my neck. I pressed my thighs together as I felt weird right at my core. I folded my lips.
"Gabriel.... I want to go to bed.." I said in an urgent tune.

" Do you forgive me?" He asked.
I have but I feared if I told him, I wouldn't have his attention anymore. I remained still until he nuzzled his face in my neck causing me to shrink myself in his arms at the feeling.

" I can keep apologizing for an eternity, but I fear I won't survive that long if you don't forgive me now" Gabriel said.
   Although he sounded serious, I found it funny and accidentally let out a chuckle before I could stop it. I held my bottom lip between my teeth.

    Gabriel slowly released me from his grip turning me around to face him, he held my waist again pulling me against him. I placed my hands on his chest to create a little space between us, although my lower body was still  pressed against him. I looked up at him, his blue eyes were... darker and I felt I saw his pupils dilate.

" You like that?" He asked, I knew he was referring to what he said previously but I refused to reply. I frowned pouting my lip pretenciously, actually I felt happy within, I felt relieved that he didn't like that Hazel girl and he didn't hate me, infact I seemed pretty important to him.

Noticing his eyes were glued to my lip, I slowly stopped pouting my lips and started biting on it instead. Gabriel pulled me even closer, my hands on his chest not doing a really good job at keeping us apart. 

His face now only inches from mine, I released my lip from between my teeth in attempt to bow my head but Gabriel's index finger and thumb held my chin back up. I stared at his face but his eyes seemed to be on my lips, his face drew closer and I closed my eyes. Was he going to kiss me? Why? Do cousins kiss? I pushed all of this to the back of my head, I wanted to be kissed by Gabriel, I wanted to feel his lips against mine. I've always wanted to know what kissing felt like.

Gabriel's nose brushed against mine lightly, his head tilted sideways as his lips made very light contact with mine but I didn't feel him kiss me, I felt his lips on the side of my lip instead making me wonder if I only imagined the light touch of his lips.

I unknowingly fisted a good amount of his shirt in my hands when his lips made contact with my jaw
" Baby... Tell me what I have to do to make you forgive me" he whispered huskily into the side of my face. His lips placing small very light kisses on my jaw and upper neck.

   I wanted to ask him to kiss me, but I knew that was stupid, he was still my cousin after all. I liked that he was my cousin but at the same time I hated it. His lips had started going lower, placing very light kisses on the crook of my neck and my shoulder. It made me a little frustrated, I wanted his lips to touch me properly.

This felt like a punishment, I gripped his shirt tighter, I was sure by the time I let go, the shirt would be slackened already but I didn't care. He was asking for my forgiveness and torturing me at the same time.

  He suddenly stopped kissing my neck and I tugged on his shirt not wanting him to stop " Don't stop" I whispered vulnerably. At first Gabriel didn't move and I regretted saying that, I tried pulling away from him but I was surprised when I noticed I couldn't even move.

I looked at his face, he was now staring directly at me. His eyes looked so different, I felt naked with the way he stared at me
" I was joking" I spoke quickly. I tried moving away again but his grip still unmoving " For real Gabriel, It was a joke" I lied again panicking within .

" I could do that for as long as you want if that would stop you from avoiding me" Gabriel said, his voice low. I blinked.
  I could feel his lower body pressed against me, I fought the urge to look down, I felt wet in my panties. I had felt something like this before and it was also with Gabriel, he had been making me feel things I can't describe or talk about.

" Gabriel please let go... I've forgiven you" I pleaded " Liela" he said my name. I couldn't even think straight knowing there was something hard poking against my lower belly.


Hey.... I finally uploaded, the next chapter isn't promised to be soon, I'm so sorry. Hope you'll like this one tho.

Hope y'all are safe

I'm still dealing with stuff, I'll update again when next I'm chanced .

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