Missed me?

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Just thinking about Liela or seeing her turned me on, it scared me to an extent knowing I had no control over myself. I stopped bringing girls over when Liela moved in, and since then for some reason, I hadn't hooked up with any girl. I just wasn't interested.

I was almost irritated by the idea of being close to another girl. Even though I knew Liela was my cousin, it didn't stop me from feeling the way I did.
I wasn't just sexually attracted to her, I was also becoming possessive of her, I hated that she even talked to Harry,I get jealous

I get pained when she's sad. I was fucking falling inlove with my cousin, that's if I wasn't already head over heels for her. Deep breathe. I was taking more cold showers than I could count and masturbating while thinking about her had become a routine.
Although I couldn't do anything with her physically, I had violated her in my head countless times.

I remembered how she arched her back last night when I placed a kiss on her neck, I wanted that again, but this time, while she's underneath me, I shook my head.
No. I needed a distraction from Liela, maybe if I invite a girl over, maybe fucking another girl would distract my mind from her.

Yes, that was probably what I needed to do. The thoughts of Liela still wouldn't stop tho. Her innocence wasn't helping matters too, the fact she was unknowingly getting attached to me. That was something I was well aware of, she was getting really attached.

She had hugged me earlier, I did like that but I knew to her it was an innocent need to be held but it wasn't an innocent action on my side, because nothing about my mind or needs were innocent. I had decided to suggest us watching a movie so she'd forget about the hug but look what happened instead, she decided to take a tour around my body.

Liela's Pov
Days turned into a week, my birthday was drawing close but all I could think about was Gabriel's constant movements. Once we got back from school, he goes out and comes back late, sometimes he leaves the house at night.

During weekends he's nowhere to be found. I noticed this started since the day I touched him, I knew I shouldn't have done that, I just didn't know what came over me.
I was very sure he wasn't happy about that. Although he talked to me from time to time, I still had the feeling he was mad at me.

I want to confront him but I'm scared, should I just let it be? Each time we get closer to each other by an inch, we seem to drift apart again.

It was evening and again, Gabriel wasn't home. I wanted to know where he always went to but I knew I shouldn't interfere in his personal life even though I craved to be in his personal life, and that I couldn't even understand.

I sat in the living room all by myself scrolling through my phone. I received a text from Harry saying.

Harry 🙂
Hello beautiful, how you doing?

I replied saying ' I'm okay' and he sent another text almost immediately.

Harry 🙂
Are you home?

I just typed ' yeah'
Not long, he sent a picture of himself. It was a selfie of him shirtless close to a swimming pool, water dripped from his hair and body. There were a few other people in the background minding their own business.

He had nice abs but I liked Gabriel's better, I couldn't help but compare them. While I was still looking at the picture, I heard the entrance door open. I raised my head from my phone and saw Gabriel who just entered the house. He closed the door behind him.

I slowly stood up placing my phone on the arm of the couch as I starred at Gabriel. He strolled towards me
" Waiting for me?" He asked, no readable expression on his face. I nodded, he walked to me and only stopped when we were just inches apart forcing me to crane my head backwards to meet his gaze and I couldn't step back since the couch was right behind me.

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