Hot wet kisses

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I hated myself. I didn't know if that was a real kiss or not, but he's going to think I'm weird and maybe get mad or tell Mrs Fidelia
" Gabriel..." I cried.
" Shut up" he repeated and grabbed my wrist pulling me along with him, out of the crowd. I just followed.

    He led me into a hallway, the noise of the people in the club fading away. ' Where was he taking me?' I thought. I wanted to apologise but didn't want to annoy him any further. He opened a door along the hallway and led me in . It was a restroom.

He entered closing the door behind him and making sure to lock it. He turned to look at me. His eyes were a darker shade of blue. I leaned back against the counter as Gabriel walked closer.

" Liela" he called softly. I swallowed down, frightened as I pressed myself against the counter, wishing I could melt into it. Gabriel got so close as he towered over me. I looky up at his face.

" Liela. You have no idea, just how badly I want to kiss you right now" he said, his voice raspy and deep. My eyes widened. His left hand slowly lifted to hold my face as he brought his face closer to mine.

" Tell me to stop Liela, tell me we're cousins, tell me you don't want it, just. Fuck. Liela tell me you don't want me to kiss you" Gabriel said as he stared down at me. I just stared back at him in disbelieve. He wasn't mad at me? He wanted to kiss me too?
" Please... Tell me not to" Gabriel pleaded, impatience evident in his tune.

Honestly, I had no intentions of telling him not to kiss me. I wanted this. I was more sure about this than I was about my grades. I wanted him to kiss me. However I remained silent.

" You want me to go ahead" Gabriel asked but it sounded more like a statement. Before I could even completely nod to his question. His lips were already against mine. My eyes widening in shock and then closed on its own.

He was slow only for the first second and then depeened the kiss, sucking on my lips hungrily. I felt his tongue slide across my lips making me part my lips and before I could figure out what was going on. His tongue was in my mouth. I couldn't keep up with how intense he kissed me but I tried to play along.

I loved every bit of how he kissed me. It was more than I expected of a kiss. Gabriel's hand held the back of my head in place as he kept kissing me like he wanted to explore the entirety of my mouth.

    I began to run out of breath, I softly tugged on his shirt and thankfully he withdrew his lips  and stared at me. I stared back, his eyes were so dark, I couldn't understand the hungry look he had on his face. Before I could blink. Gabriel lifted me and placed me to sit on the counter and he was between my legs.

Gabriel did not wait for another second before kissing me again. I felt a little sting on my lip but couldn't react as Gabriel sucked on my lips. Slowly his lips left mine and started placing hot wet kisses on my jaw and down my neck. I gasped at the feeling as I clutched unto him arching my back into him.

His hands grabbed my sides pulling me closer to him, while he continued assaulting my body with kisses. He kissed down to my shoulder and then to my chest, I threw my head backwards as a moan escaped my lips and I widened my eyes at the sound.

' What was I doing? What was going on?' I thought.
" Gabriel" I called but my voice kept sounding like a moan. It was all Gabriel's fault. He wouldn't stop placing those open mouthed kisses on my body. ' What was going on with me?' this wasn't right, he shouldn't

" Gabriel" I called again and he slowly lifted his head to look at me. His lips looked slightly bigger than usual and hot pink, he looked gorgeous with his messy hair. I had forgotten what I had to say.

" Liela. stop moaning my name like that" Gabriel spoke breathlessly. I blinked, biting my lips and I noticed how his eyes dropped to my lips. I released my lip from my teeth as I shifted uncomfortably at the wetness in my panties.

What was going on with me? I felt a strong sensation at my core and it made me want Gabriel to continue and stop at the same time, I didn't know what to do.

  Gabriel's Pov

    I stared at Liela. Her lips were swollen as a result of my aggressive kissing, they were tempting and all I wanted was to resume kissing her all over again. I could see how her cheeks flushed. Her eyes were in a daze. She shifted on her seat.

I could tell she was turned on. If only she knew how hard my dick was in my pants.
" Do you still want to spend the day with me or go home?" I asked and like I expected. She just stared at me not knowing which to pick.

" Do you know how beautiful you are today?" I asked. I have been holding back from saying this all day even though I knew Liela wanted me to compliment her. I held back knowing I might loose my senses if I spoke about it. She was cute, beautiful, gorgeous.

" When I saw you this morning Liela.." I paused watching her face, she was trying to hold back a smile " I almost couldn't stop staring. How can you look so beautiful, tempting me the entire time....." I didn't finish my sentence before

" Thank you" she said dropping her gaze shyly. I smiled.
" No... Baby. Don't thank me, I'm just stating facts" I said
" Look at me" I demanded and she slowly lifted her head to look at me again.

" God.... I want to kiss you all over again. I want to keep kissing you until you can no longer feel your lips. How about that baby? Would you like that?" I asked. My breathing quickening again as I drew my face closer to hers. She was silent and I paused.

" Do you want to go home or stay with me all night?" I asked . She still kept quiet
" Say something baby" I pressured loosing all of my patience. God! If she doesn't say anything. She wouldn't be leaving this place. I'd keep her here and fuck her senseless.

Fuck No. I wouldn't be fucking her. I'd be making love to her. Shit. She has to start talking. I was ready to go against every law. The one that says she's not an adult so can't have sex. Fuck that shit. She's been unknowingly teasing me for way too long.

Also the law that says cousins can't be together. Who even made that shitty law in the first place, because I'm about to not give a fuck about it

" Baby come on... Say something" I pleaded.
" I..I.. think. Mom would be .. waiting for us" Liela stuttered. I stared at her.
" Forget about her. What do you want?" I asked hoping she'd choose staying with me.

Whew this was alot

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