Are you leaving?

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I had to leave, but I couldn't get myself to pull away, I had hardened more than I could even imagine and it was almost painful. However I was content with just having her in my arms like this, that was a lie I tried to make myself believe. I was pressed against her, I knew she was feeling my erection.

I wondered if she wasn't curious. One thing I knew was, Liela had always been deprived from any exposure, she never watched any adult movies or even read fictional romance like most girls do, she was pretty clueless about these things, however I was grateful she didn't ask what was poking her.

" Gabriel?" She muttered " Um?" I replied, my face still buried in her neck " Thank you for forgiving me" she said. I inhaled. I was never angry at her, I was just jealous " Have you forgiven me?" I asked. She immediately tried to withdraw, probably to look at my face but I stopped her pressing her tighter against myself

" Um, I wasn't angry at you" She spoke softly, her fingers slightly brushed the skin behind my neck making me suck in a breathe, I had to leave
" You should go to bed now, it's late already" I said and just immediately, I noticed she wrapped her arms around my neck.
' Did she not want to?' I thought
" Are you leaving?" She asked holding me tighter.

I heard the sadness in her voice. My heart skipped at the realization that she didn't want me to go " Fuck, Liela, I don't want to, but you need to go to bed" I tried to persuade her.
" Tomorrow is a Saturday, please don't go" she pleaded tightening her grip on me even more. Fuck, she had no idea how much she was encouraging my demons.

The knowledge she wanted me made me want her more, I can't even explain how that was possible. God! I was ready to commit sins, I didn't mind if she was my cousin anymore .
   But I didn't want to taint her. I tried withdrawing from her but she held on tighter

" Don't go.., please stay" she kept pleading, she was so determined to keep me here, she held unto me like she wanted to get into my skin. Baby, that was what i wanted too only if it was possible. I didn't want her to go to bed sad, I hugged her again. I'll have to stay with her until she falls asleep before leaving.

    I lifted her from the ground and she wrapped her legs around my waist tightly like I was going to disappear if she didn't.
   I walked us to her bed and tried putting her down but she wouldn't let go " Liela, I'm not leaving" I assured her, she slowly loosened her grip allowing me to lay her on the bed.

She starred at me, looking at her from underneath brought more dirty thoughts, I have decided to accept that I would never be able to think of anything proper when I'm with her.
  Although I wanted my jacket off, I decided to keep it on, it was a shield against feeling her direct skin. I laid on the edge of the bed,  my shoes still on, one of my leg hanging off the bed.

I stretched my right arm out on the bed. I wanted her back in my arms, Liela seemed to also want that, she crawled into my arms hugging me and laying her head on my chest. I could feel her breadth evening as she quickly drifted off to sleep.

I waited until I was sure she was deeply asleep before slowly crawling out of her unbelievably tight grip, I placed a quick kiss on her forehead and then her cheek before heading back to my room.

God knew I wasn't happy with him. I had to sit in a cold shower for hours.

Liela's Pov
   I woke up late, I stood up, I couldn't stop thinking about Gabriel's tight hug last night, my cheeks turned pink, I shyly held my cheeks in my hands. I stood in front of the mirror, my eyes were a bit swollen, but nothing too noticeable, I bit my bottom lip.

I missed his hold, I wanted him to hold me again. I felt things I haven't felt before last night, it was all so exciting, he had said alot but I couldn't remember most of it, and I just didn't understand some things, but he did apologise for making me cry.

I held my face. I brushed my teeth and took my bath, I wore a dress, put my hair in a bun and happily walked out of my room, I climbed down the stairs.
   I saw Mrs Fidelia at the dinning operating her laptop, I strolled to her and she looked at me

" Good morning Liela" she smiled. I smiled back " Good morning ma" I greeted. " Come sit here" she said with a smile as she closed her laptop and put it aside. I walked to her and sat by her. " You look so happy this morning, did you and Gabriel..... get over what you two were about yesterday?" She asked. Just the thought made me blush.

" Okay?... I can see it's good between you two" she said. I dropped my gaze. " Um... Liela?" She Called calmly. I raised my face to meet her gaze " Did something happen?" Mrs Fidelia asked kindly.
   My cheeks were flushed to a shade of pink. She arranged herself on her chair leaning a bit closer " How did you both settle?" She asked looking really interested.

I starred at her, she had been really nice, I wanted to be able to tell someone how I felt, I couldn't tell Theresa because I wasn't all that comfortable with her, but I was worried.
   Gabriel was Mrs Fidelia's son and he was my cousin. I inhaled not seeing anything wrong in telling her.

" He apologized to me" I muttered innocently. She was silent as she starred at me , she looked like she was in deep thoughts for a second. She suddenly pulled her chair closer to mine and starred deep at me
" Did he say anything special?" She emphasized on the word Special. I blinked.

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