Lipstick stain

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Gabriel lowered his hands making me stand on my feet again
" Fine then, go ahead and delete it and then send him your nudes since you love him so much" Gabriel said angrily, shoving the phone into my hands and walked away heading up stairs. He seemed really angry again and i didn't want him mad at me, i quickly dropped the phone on the couch and hurried after him.

Gabriel walked into his room throwing the doors open angrily, I got there and quickly entered
" Gabriel please don't be mad" I begged, my voice louder than I intended. Gabriel turned around facing me again and using his hands in closing the door behind me.

I moved back resting my back against the door while he stood in front of me, his left hand resting on the door by my head, he starred down at me intensely
" What, don't you want to send your nudes to Harry anymore?" He asked leaning closer. I dropped my gaze nervously. Why was he repeatedly saying ' My nudes?'

" I...I didn't want to.... That isn't what he meant" I stuttered
" You don't know Harry Liela, that was exactly what he was asking for, that's why he sent his first, it was a fucking open text" Gabriel said, his voice loud and filled with annoyance.

" You should go talk to your prince charming before he gets mad" He added. I slowly looked at him, he looked really angry. It hurt me knowing he was this angry at me " I'm sorry" I whispered, trying to hold back tears.

   Gabriel didn't reply, the unusual smell ( Alcohol) still lingered on him faintly. He slowly dropped his gaze looking down. My eyes immediately caught something on the side of his neck, it was a red stain. I kept examining the stain, my hand lifted and I touched it softly with my finger, causing Gabriel's eyes to snap back at me.

I withdrew my hand shocked at the speed at which he looked at me
" What are you doing?" He asked. I softly cleared my throat, my eyes darting between his face and his neck until I summoned enough courage to lift my hand again to touch the red stain on his neck
" You have a..a red stain, here"  I managed to say.

Gabriel lifted his hand to hold mine that was still on his neck and my eyes quickly settled on his face,he stared back at me, he looked like he was in thoughts for a second but then the look of realization appeared on his face
" Oh, it's a girl who kissed me there" he said tilting his head sideways, his eyes on my face.

I glanced at his neck again realizing it was a lipstick stain, the lip shaped on his neck. I felt an unsettling feeling in my stomach, i slowly bowed my head,
' Why would he let a girl kiss him on his neck?' I thought.
" You want to be the one to kiss me there instead?" Gabriel asked and my eyes widened as I looked at him.

" No" I quickly defended my self. Honestly, I wish I could, but I wondered if he'll let me. I wanted to, I glanced at the stain on his neck again, I hated it, I wanted it off his neck.
   Jealousy or was it envy? was building up inside of me. What was going on with me. I dropped my gaze not wanting to see the stain.

" Liela" Gabriel whispered my name but I refused to look at him
" You're my cousin, I'm your cousin, we are related, we are... siblings, you know that right?" He asked . I nodded though confused at why he was bringing it up
" Good, you can leave now" he said as he moved away from me  walking towards his closet which was at the opposite end of the room.

I raised my face to watch him as he took off his jacket, he had red scratches on his shoulder blades and upper arm, I was sure more of those scratches were on his back hiding under the singlet, my eyes went wide.
   Gabriel threw the jacket on the bed and turned to face me again.

" Stop making me hate myself Liela. What? You also want to know how I got the marks?" He asked angrily. I was curious, I wanted to know but he looked really upset, I didn't understand why he was acting this was today.

I dropped my gaze
" I'll tell you then" Gabriel spoke again walking back to me
" I've been fucking alot of girls, I go out everyday just to fuck" he yelled angrily. What was he so angry about?
" Or no. Maybe you wouldn't understand that. Ever heard of sex? Yes, I've been having sex with tons of girls just so I could fucking stop craving you" he spoke, every word with anger.

I looked down, this was what I was trying to avoid. It pained me to a great extent
" Or don't you understand that too? I've been fucking around trying to fucking avoid you, but it's just so difficult because you keep getting into my face" he shouted.

' He hated me' I thought. A tear dropping from my eyes. I couldn't pick up every word he said but I knew he was angry and he used the word Fuck alot and he had been having sex with alot of girls.

" Liela" he said much calmer. He was now standing just about two feets away from me.
" Liela, I don't know what to do anymore, I'm confused, I don't know how to deal with any of this" he said. " I'm not a good guy Liela" he added. I raised my face to look at him " No. You're... " I tried to speak but he cut me off.

" For God's sake Liela, you don't know anything about me, I'm worse than Harry, you don't know him, you don't know me either, why the hell are you so innocent and clueless?" He yelled and I shrinked myself away wishing I could melt into the door. " I don't want you to be my cousin" he spoke quietly.

" Like for fucks sake, I hate it" he yelled again.

Sorry for leaving y'all hanging again.

There have been some technical issues making it difficult for me to update the story.

But hope y'all like this chapter

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