Make a wish

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I raised my head to look at him, so he didn't forget?
" Oh yes Liela, what do you want me to get you?" Mr Noah asked, I looked at him, I didn't know who to reply first. I knew what I wanted from Gabriel but I didn't know what I wanted from Mr Noah.

" Um, anything would be fine" I spoke softly, my gaze returning to Gabriel, I didn't really want anything from anyone else only if Gabriel would Grant my wish.

" Liela dear, is there anything you want specifically?" Mrs Fidelia asked. I couldn't think of anything, I just stared at her blankly
" It's fine, it's fine, you don't have to stress about it" she said with a smile.
" Liela would be turning 17 tomorrow, wait..... Gabriel's birthday is just three months away" Abel announced.

" Liela, should I get you Chocolate?" Abel asked looking at me in excitement.
' Was he that happy to get me chocolate?' I thought and smiled.
" How about surprising me?" I suggested and he quickly nodded happily.

I finally turned my attention back to Gabriel and my eyes widened realizing I ignored him the entire time. He didn't look angry tho " So.....!" Gabriel dragged  reminding me he asked a question

" I want to spend the whole day with you tomorrow" I said nervously.
   Everyone at the dinning looked at  me " What? Ew, with Gabriel?" Abel said loudly. I bowed my head, my hopes dieing as Gabriel remained silent.

" I.... It's okay if..." I tried to speak
" Shut up" Gabriel interrupted and I looked at him. He had started eating again.
" Um that's actually a good wish, I mean, she must have gotten bored of only staying home and going to school, it would be nice if Gabriel showed her the city, don't you think?" Mrs Fidelia said

" Yes yes, that's good" Mr Noah nodded agreeing with the idea. I wasn't thinking about exploring the city but if that's the excuse that'll make Gabriel spend the day with me then I'd gladly use it, besides exploring the city would be great too.

I glanced at Gabriel who was only focused on his food, everyone soon went back to their food, so I resumed eating too.

  I was in a deep sleep when I heard a knock on my door. I opened my eyes and another knock came, I looked at the clock and it was 12:03am, I sat up, too lazy to go open the door myself.
" The door is opened" I said sleepily hoping who ever was outside heard me.

  The door slowly opened and Mrs Fidelia stepped in holding a cake in her hands, Abel followed behind and so as Mr Noah, then Gabriel finally followed and closed the door behind him.

I immediately started arranging my hair, I didn't want to look ugly in front of Gabriel. Once I was sure my hair wasn't  hanging in different angles, I relaxed.

" Happy birthday to you
   Happy birthday to you
   Happy birthday,
   Happy birthday,
   Happy birthday to you"

They sang as they walked closer to my bed. I could hear Mrs Fidelia's voice over every other person's, while Abel  clapped. This felt like a dream, I had never before celebrated my birthday and now .... There were people who actually cared for me and took me as part of their family, what more could I ask for?

  Mrs Fidelia stretched the cake towards me, there was a lit candle on the cake
" Make a wish and blow" she spoke with a genuine kind smile. I smiled
" I....wish..." I was saying
" Ah.. no. You're supposed to close your eyes and don't say your wish out loud" Mr Noah said

My smile widened as I felt a little embarrassed, I looked at Gabriel, he stared at me with a smile and folded arms. " Go on..." Abel urged. I looked back at the cake in front of me and closed my eyes unable to get rid of the smile
' I wish that everyone here celebrating my birthday with me today, will remain happy for the rest of their lives and Gabriel grants my wish' I said within.

I opened my eyes and blew the candle but it didn't go off, I laughed softly and blew again before it went off and everyone clapped. I looked at Gabriel
" Happy birthday Liela" Gabriel said, I don't know how it was possible that my smile could become wider than it already was but it happened.

" Happy birthday Liela" Abel screamed loudly.
" Happy birthday" Mr Noah said almost immediately.
" Happy birthday dear" Mrs Fidelia said . I bit my lip trying to stop my smile from growing even bigger
" Thank you.." I managed to say.

  Mrs Fidelia handed the cake to Mr Noah and helped me out of the bed to my feet. I cut the cake with a knife Gabriel had been holding and fed everyone a bite each from the cake I was holding, I was the first to take a bite.
When it was only Gabriel left, I walked to him , he guided my hand to his lips with his own hand giving me an intense stare.

  His tongue licked my finger before he let go of my hand. I blushed and turned back to the others. Everyone started cutting from the cake and eating as it was now placed on the table. I stared at them and they all seemed happy. I looked at Gabriel, this felt unreal.

We had eaten half of the cake, I was now tired and I sat back on my bed. The time was now 12:47am.
" Alright, you can go back to bed now okay?" Mrs Fidelia said and I nodded. Abel carried the rest of the cake and walked out.
" Sleep well, you have a long day tomorrow"  Mr Noah said with a small nod and walked out.

" Okay, I'll leave now" Mrs Fidelia waved at me before going out. I looked at Gabriel as he slowly walked towards me.. " Go ahead and lay down" he said softly. I folded my lips holding back a smile.

I lifted my legs from the floor and laid down still looking at him. He pulled the blanket up covering me with it, leaving only my head to view. " Thank you" I muttered. He didn't reply
" Gabriel..... About what I asked for..."
" Keep quiet and go back to bed" he cut me off and I nodded.

He turned around and walked to the door, he opened it then looked back at me
" Don't bother preparing for school later today, we'll be taking the day off" he said with a smile he was obviously trying to hold back before walking out and closing the door behind him.

I was so excited, I closed my eyes trying to force myself to sleep. I just couldn't wait for the sun to rise


This chapter might be the longest chapter I've ever written or..... Not?

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