Come closer

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" I couldn't sleep" I muttered.
He got back to his bowl of popcorn, nodded at me , he picked his bowl and walked past me out of the kitchen, I turned around and walked out of the kitchen as well.
Gabriel walked to the living room area, turned on the television, he sat on the floor, not literally , since he had arranged thick blankets on the floor with two pillows, he placed the bowl by his side, he picked up his game remote control in his hand, he was setting the game in the television.

At first I just stood watching, but then I took slow steps until I got into the living area as well, he looked at me, he looked like he was hesitating for a while before tapping the space by his side.
    I was glad, he didn't despise me after all, I walked to him and slowly sat down. I starred at the side profile of his face, his muscles flexed as he operated the remote, he looked at me and I immediately looked away, he picked some popcorns with his left hand and put them into his mouth. I was by his left hand side.

" Go ahead and help yourself if you want to" he said referring me to the popcorns.

He was now finally focused on the television screen as he played with full concentration, I started eating the popcorn while watching the game he was playing on the screen and also looking at his face on few occasions.
    Then my stupid thought kicked in, I honestly just wanted to help him. I picked a few popcorns in my hand and stretched it towards his mouth. This made him pause ( Author face palm)

He looked at me and I froze, I regretted my action, I just wanted to help.
" Ummm.... I... I just thought .. you were playing with.. both.. ha... hands, so so.... I thought I... Could .. help by.. by umm feeding you" I stammered innocently.
   The expression on his face didn't change, he was frowning, just a little... maybe.. confused and surprised, I couldn't figure it out.

I slowly started retracting my hand, I saw his eyes glance at my hand before looking back at my face.
" I'm sorry" I said then put the popcorns in my mouth, I lowered my gaze to the floor.  I knew he was still starring at me

" Why couldn't you sleep?" I heard him ask and I looked at him again not knowing what to say
" Worried about school tomorrow?" He asked. That was probably the reason, I nodded slightly, he sighed.

" Don't be, you'll be fine, they're pretty nice, not everyone though, but I'm sure they'll like you" he assured me then turned back to his game again and resumed playing.

I felt relieved with what he told me. I just sat quietly, I felt him look at me again after a while
" You want to play?" He asked and I looked at him.
" I don't know how to" I said. He sighed
" Come, I'll teach you" he spoke calmly stretching his hand towards me.
" Come"

I didn't know what to do or say, I did like the idea of him teaching me. Maybe he read my mind

" Come closer" he said removing the popcorn from between us and putting it at his right hand side. I shifted closer to him and he held me even closer.

Gabriel put his left hand around my waist as he placed the remote control in my hands and then holding my hands together with the controls. But in a few seconds , maybe he felt the position wasn't good enough to TEACH me.
    He went behind me and sat, putting his legs on both my sides, making me sit in between his legs.

His hands went around me holding my hands with the remote control, his head leaned over my shoulder, resting by the side of my face. He soon started instructing me on how to use the remote and how to play the game

But the truth was, I couldn't concentrate, my mind wasn't focused. No boy had ever been this close to me, he was too close. My back was rested against his body, I could smell him and it was nice, his face was just by mine, his hands around my body, wasn't this too much of an intimate position? I mean..... I had accidentally seen a few romantic movies.

I felt goosebumps, I felt hot, my heart thumped aggressively against my rib cage, my body was tense, and I hoped he couldn't hear my heart beat. His whispers by my ear was making me unable to think.

" You get it?" He asked, and I nodded, that was not true, I didn't get anything, he removed his hands from mine telling me to try to play the game, but I just held the remote , I didn't know what to do . I heard him sigh and  leaned closer to me this time, taking my hands again
" Pay attention" he said softly, his breathing wasn't as relaxed as before, I don't know how I realized that, it was probably just my imagination.

I hoped he wasn't frustrated by me. He started teaching me all-over again, and I tried to pay attention this time but it was really difficult.
   He told me to try again, I tried this time but I was terrible at it. He took the controls from me and started playing the game by himself as he told me to just watch, he didn't move away, his arms were still around my body.

I watched, I picked from the popcorn, eating them slowly, he played two rounds, I was now feeling sleepy, I allowed my body to fully rest on him, I felt him tense up for a bit, but I was too sleepy to think about it. I just slept off.


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