Big bandage

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  I was shocked at what I saw, the whole of my index finger was bandaged. I starred at it not knowing what to say, I glanced at Gabriel then my finger again
" But... But... But, it was just a small cut, why my whole finger?" I asked confused, I saw his lip pull up in a smile.

" Aren't you grateful I didn't bandage you entire hand?" Gabriel asked still starring at my face, I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out, " But" I tried again but Gabriel got up, he was obviously laughing at me, he turned to go, I stood up quickly and held his arm looking up at him.

" Gabriel please.., this is so embarrassing" I said showing him how big my finger looked because of the bandage.
" Liela, leave it that way" Gabriel said, his smile widening. I knew he was doing this on purpose.

" Please...." I begged " No" he replied looking down at me " I think it's cute" he said
" What, this... This.. this.. thing...cute?" I asked in utter disbelieve and he finally let out his laughter.

I couldn't help but smile seeing him laugh like that, but I honestly didn't want this big bandage on my entire entire just because of a tiny cut which was on the tip of my finger.
" This will prevent it from getting infected" Gabriel said when he was done laughing " No, please, just put a little, not this... Please.." I pleaded putting my palms together in front of him

" No" Gabriel said, still smiling before he turned and climbed up the stairs. I complained continuously as I stamped my feet on the ground, I took another look at my finger.

Later that evening, we all sat at the dinning eating, thankfully, it was my left hand that had the injury, so I could eat with my right hand. Abel sighted my bandaged hand. " What happened to your hand Liela?" He asked concerned making everyone's attention suddenly turn to me

" Jeez, what happened to you?" Mr Noah asked unknowingly adding to the tension, I immediately put my hand under the table away from sight,
"She got a cut on her finger while helping me out in the kitchen" Mrs Fidelia announced
" A small cut?" Mr Noah asked in disbelieve, of cause he had seen that my entire finger was bandaged.

" Oh, I thought bandaging the whole finger would be good, to avoid infection getting into it" Gabriel said holding back a smile, he seemed to be getting alot of joy from this. Mr Noah nodded in agreement " Oh yes, that's so thoughtful of you Gabriel" Mr Noah praised. I was shocked, I looked at Mr Noah, so he was in support of this?

I looked at Gabriel again with a glare, he winked at me with a taunting smile, I looked back at my food not wanting to look at him " I think it's really big" Abel said, and I looked back up

" That's exactly what I'm complaining about" I spoke seeing that someone was finally on my side, but I guess I was too quick
" But it does look good on you" Abel added and my eyes widened . I seemed to be alone. Gabriel was totally enjoying this and I knew it. Mrs Fidelia patted my shoulder and everyone started eating again.


The weekend went by quickly and before we knew it, it was Monday again. Gabriel had changed my bandage but he didn't make it smaller, I had dramatically refused talking to him and he found it funny. So annoying.

I couldn't go to school with my hand bandaged like this, but no one agreed to listen to me no matter how many times I told them my finger was fine and I could go without a bandage.
    Gabriel kept giving unreasonable logics on why my finger needs to remain bandaged and they all agreed with him.

That day when we got to school, we both attended maths class together , we sat close to each other but I didn't talk to him. The bell for lunch break was rang, I quickly left the class without waiting for Gabriel, I sat by myself at an empty table, soon other people started coming into the cafeteria.

   The cafe was now filled up but the noise was louder today, everyone seemed to be talking about something I had no idea about. Theresa soon came over with her food tray and sat opposite me placing the tray on the table " Guess what?" Theresa said, a wide smile on her face " What?" I asked unable to guess

" The basketball match is coming up this Friday" she chirped. I didn't quite get it, she went on " The two basketball teams in the school would be playing against each other" she explained " Why do you look so happy about it?" I asked " Well.... It's a competition that has always took place in the school and it's always so fun, the exciting part is that Gabriel is playing..." Theresa spoke excitedly.

I looked at her, wondering why she'd be so excited just because Gabriel was playing " He always plays tho, but we're all always excited, he's the best player on the team. Harry would be playing too" she explained further
" Shouldn't you be supporting your brother's team?" I asked with a bit of irritation in my tune, God, why was I getting upset.

Theresa served a spoonful of food and shoved it into her mouth, after chewing and swallowing she smiled again
" Well.. good thing is, they're on the same team, so there isn't a problem at all" she said and continued eating with a big smile.

I had so many questions to ask her but I couldn't, why the hell was she happy? If they weren't in same team, would she have chosen Gabriel over her brother? Did she like Gabriel?. I sighed, I was happy they were on same team, I could support them both since one was my friend and the other was my cousin, no doubt I would have chosen Gabriel if I had to choose, but I was glad I didn't have to.


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