My heart needed to stop

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Gabriel's Pov
     I sat at the dinning holding the spoon and looking at the food in front of me, I didn't feel like eating. I raised my head and saw Liela walking towards me. She had changed from her uniform, she was now on black leggings and a camisole, her straight hair let down with small curls at the tip.
   Her curves swayed slightly as she walked, my lips parted in admiration. I looked away feigning nonchalance. I didn't get it, my entire body responded to her presence

' Bad' I thought, I knew being with her alone in the house especially her being close wouldn't be easy for me. She walked to me and pulled out the chair in front of mine and sat " You like it?" She asked with a smile. I gulped and looked away, that smile was doing things to me, awakening my nerves.

" I don't really have the appetite" I said truthfully. She nodded         " That's because you're sick" she said. Nope, I wasn't sick.
   She stood up walking around the table towards me . My whole body became alert, anticipating her closeness. She got to me and stood behind me.

" I should give you a massage, maybe it would help" she said softly and I sat up straighter, all the hairs on my body standing up, I could feel her closeness.
    Immediately Liela's hands touched my shoulders and squeezed a little, I felt current run through every vein in my body, and going down to the member between my legs, making me harden all over

I immediately stood up and turned to her, holding her hands  away from me, I felt breathless. She looked at me, confusion written all over her face and a little bit of sadness. ' God she obviously had no idea what she was doing to me' I starred at her. If she touched me again, I'd loose it for sure.
    Liela stepped forward and I stepped back, holding her hands and pushing her backwards softly, I licked my lip, I didn't know what to tell her, I was acting weird to her and I knew that

" Liela" I said, my voice sounding the deepest and most breathless I've ever sounded. God, I cursed within myself when I heard how I sounded, Liela was sure doing things to my body. I needed to get away from her, I had no idea why my body was reacting extra today, I mean I've been getting these feelings whenever I was with her but today felt extra, I was almost not able to handle myself.

It was probably because we were only and my senses knew no one else was in the entire house but just us.
" Liela, don't come close to me" I warned finally letting go of her hand.
" Did I do something wrong?" Liela asked, she looked like she was going to cry.
" No no no, I promise you're really great, you didn't do anything, it's completely me, I need...." I paused and cleared my throat, my voice still very deep and hoarse

" I want to rest, I'll be upstairs, I need to rest" I said
" Are you sure?" She asked moving towards me again. I moved back holding my hand in front of me as a sign for her to stop coming close and she did stop
" You are not okay, you should take drugs" Liela suggested worriedly
"Look, I've caught a cold, I don't want you to contact it" I lied and applauded myself in my head, that sounded like a good excuse

" Please leave me alone and don't call Mom or anyone, I'll be fine, okay?" I said. She didn't reply, just starred at me. I made her feel bad but I really had to do this, I took the opportunity to leave, I turned around and walked away, I climbed up the stairs and entered my room. I locked the door and let myself fall on the bed.

   Although she was my cousin, my body didn't seem to understand that. I needed to make it clear to every inch of me,  every organ in me had to understand that Liela is my cousin and we shouldn't be feeling things cause we wouldn't be doing anything with her.
     I wanted to be with her, I couldn't stop thinking about her honestly, every single time I tried staying away, I just couldn't

Just then it occurred to me it wasn't just my body who needed to understand this, my mind knew this but I still couldn't stop the thoughts of her. Was it my.... Heart? God No. I realized how I felt about her, I couldn't stop thinking about how happy she was when she talked about Harry, it didn't sit well with me at all, was I jealous?

No no no no no, this wasn't good. My heart needed to stop, it wasn't just my body . My whole being was just simply refusing to accept that Liela was my cousin. I needed to distract myself and I knew exactly what to do

I just wanted to let y'all know that Gabriel isn't the simple, cool and innocent guy you might think he is, those are just Liela's view of him, cause she doesn't even know him.
   You will get to know who Gabriel really is as we dive deeper into the story, I'm sure you're already getting a glimpse

Also I'm sorry this chapter isn't as long as the others, I'll make up for that. See you in the next chapter

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