Welcome to the Neighbourhood🤍

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Aspyn Pov

I walk through our bedroom with a box of my clothes and place them in the walk-in closet. I take a deep breath and look around as the closet is coming together, and I have most of our things put in place except for my clothes. The things are put away and ironed, ready to wear. I walk back in the bedroom and outside the room, looking at my new home. I really miss our old home back in Seattle.

Theo got a call from the movers just this morning while he was getting ready to leave for work, when they informed him the movers were here and needed the address for the house.

After we packed up everything in the hotel room and checked out, we drove to Sudbury and pulled into our new house. Theo dropped me off and went to work, leaving me alone to unpack and decorate the house.

As we were driving into the neighborhood, I had a smile on my face. There were little kids running around in the front yards playing with toys we pulled into our new home, and it is just beautiful. A gray-brown color, two stories, a big backyard, and a beautiful front yard.

Last week after the party, Theo drove down to the new house and had people come over and install all new things, including the fridge, TV, WiFi, washer, dryer, and any furniture, including our bed and the guest rooms.

Today would be our first official night in the new house.

I take the stairs as the movers walk past me as they bring in the last of the boxes. I'm so glad I labeled all the brown boxes with tags indicating which room they go in to make it easier for everybody.

"Okay, Mrs. Akens, that was the last of the boxes; could you please sign here?" One of the guys says as he passes me the clipboard. I nod and sign three papers.

I tell them to have a good day as I shut the door. I turn around and groan at all the boxes lying around waiting to be unpacked and placed.


I let out a sigh as I poured myself a new cup of tea. I walk over to our freshly decorated living room, install myself on the couch, and look around the fully furnished and decorated home, taking it all in.

After the movers left, I spent all morning and lunch getting it done. Everything was put away, and all the empty cardboard was folded and put away in the garage. It only took me about six hours to do it all.

I look at the time and it is half past six. After drinking my tea, I wash my cup, put it away, and decide to grab the mail. I haven't gone outside all day and was craving some fresh air.

I put on a puffer jacket, locked up, and walked down to the cluster mailbox a few houses down. It is starting to get a little chilly in Sudbury, and I'm excited. I've always loved the fall and winter. I look around, and the leaves are starting to slowly change their colors.

I locate our number on the mailbox and try to open it, but the key is stuck, and I try to wiggle it out.

"You have to push all the way in and wiggle it out," I hear someone say. I turn around, and it's the man from the other night.

"Omg, it's you from the other night, when I spilled wine on you," he says, and I let out a small chuckle.

"Yeah, it's Scott, right?" I ask him, and he nods.

"And you're Aspyn," he says, and I nod.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I just moved right over there with my husband today," I say, pointing over to the house.

"Ouch, what happened to your wrist?" He says this as he stops me mid sentence.

I look down and see the white bandage covering the ugly bruise Theo gave me last night when he came back home.

Arranged to Love 🪽( Chris Evans)Where stories live. Discover now