Dressed in Black and White 🤍🖤

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Third-person Pov

It was a cold, rainy Tuesday afternoon in Massachusetts. As far as the eyes could see, everyone was wearing black and standing under their umbrellas at the Mount Pleasant Cemetery as the rain poured down heavily.

"Any last words anybody would like to say?" the funeral director's questions out to the crowd of people listening. Some with tears in their eyes, others just to say their goodbyes

Mary and Johnathan Akens get up from their seats and take the microphone out of the director's hand.

"Today we are here to honor our son, Theodore Akens. He was truly loved and will remain forever in our hearts," Jonathan Akens says to the crowd standing around the closed casket, waiting for it to drop. From far and near, all of Theodore's relatives are in attendance, including his friends and co-workers from his office. The Evans are standing in the corner next to a tree, listening from afar.

Apsyn is digging her black heels into the muddy ground as she listens to her in-laws talk about her ex-husband. Aspyn hasn't shed a single tear since Theodore passed away; she is in more shock as to what has happened in the last 48 hours.

Everyone walks around the caskets, places their white roses, and watches as the casket is lowered into the ground. The only person who is crying really loud is Mary. Theo's mother is a mess, trying to keep herself together.

Aspyn lowers the umbrella so it covers her face, away from all the prying eyes wanting answers. Theo's parents had informed everyone that he had passed away from a stroke, but a few people had a hard time believing them.


It's been two nights since Theo left Aspyn in bed after finishing himself off, and he never came back home.

Aspyn has been worried sick about Theo's whereabouts; he never contacted her after the night he left. Aspyn ended up contacting one of his work friends, and she informed her that he was at work. What worried Aspyn even more was that Theo was not coming home at night but going to work every morning.

She decided to forget about it, and Aspyn started writing in her book again. When she wasn't writing, she would be reading other novels, distracting herself throughout the day until bed.

It was about two in the morning on Monday morning when Aspyn was startled awake when she heard a loud thump downstairs in the kitchen, followed by loud screaming and glass breaking everywhere.

Aspyn grabs her robe and ties it around her. She walks over to her vanity and grabs the house cell, ready to call the police in case someone broke into the house.

She opens the door to her bedroom and hears Theo yelling in the kitchen. She lets out a sigh of relief, places the phone down, and takes the stairs.

As she walks down the steps, she lets out a huge gasp as she walks into the living room, looking at the kitchen.

The sauce is all over the white corner tops and juice, and anything that was in the fridge or the kitchen was smashed into the ground with glass, and the floor was all wet.

She walks in further and doesn't hear or see Theo anywhere, but the front door is open. She walks out into the night, and her mouth falls open at the sight in front of her.

Theo's red car crashes into the big tree that is planted in front of the sidewalk, and Theo is passed out on the wheel. As the car's alarms are going off.

As she carefully walks to the car, she lifts Theo's head and sees the heavy smell of alcohol on him, and his nose is covered in white powder as it is bleeding. Aspyn stumbles back and tries to stand. She takes Theo's phone and dials 911.

Arranged to Love 🪽( Chris Evans)Where stories live. Discover now