Interruptions 💜

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📍Time skip

January 27, 2018

Three months later...

Third-person POV

Chris is lying on the couch; he is wearing a white knit sweater, blue jeans, and his NASA baseball cap. Dodger is lying between his legs.

Aspyn in front of Chris waves a new dog bone in front of Dodger, and he immediately gets up, and Aspyn throws the bone across the room somewhere in the kitchen.

"What are you doing, baby?" Chris asks as he gets up.

Aspyn pushes him back down, straddles his hips, and starts to grind down on Chris. She bends down to kiss him as she takes hold of his cap and throws it behind her.

Chris lets out a chuckle, cups her beautiful face, and gives her a wet, passionate kiss as his other hand palms her ass. She is still grinding on him, as he is getting harder by the second.

Aspyn moans into the kiss and pulls back to breathe. Chris takes the opportunity and takes off her (his) shirt, throws it behind her, and cups her boobs in each hand. They both moan in unison, and Aspyn goes to kiss Chris once more, but the elevator door opens, and in walks Scott.

"Holy Jesus!" he yells before turning around.

"SCOTT!" Chris says as his eyes widen.

Chris and Aspyn both jump, and Chris throws himself at Aspyn to cover her up as Soctt is now standing in their home uninvited.

Aspyn grabs her shirt and puts it on, and Chris grabs his cap and puts it on to avoid his hat's hair.

"We really need to change our passcode, don't we?" Chris says, annoyed, as Scott turns around.

"It's our home, and we can have sex wherever," Chris mumbles as he's upset at Scott for cockblocking.

"You don't have to just do that in your bedroom," Scott says, walking towards the kitchen.

"Hey, at least I brought some lunch," Scott says, placing the box of pizza and wings.

"Let it go, baby," Aspyn says as she walks away to greet Scott.

Chris groans and follows behind Aspyn. They grab some food and make their way back to the living room, and Scott sits across from them, avoiding the couch they were just dry humping on.

The three of them tuned into the Patriots game. Before they had to leave for Ma's... As much as Aspyn tries to learn the rules of the game and the team members, she just can't keep up and is always cheering on the Patriots.


Aspyn places one hand on his back, sliding it down as far as it can go as the other finds its place on the back of his neck. Their lips never leave each other, though; wet sounds echo in Chris's childhood bedroom, and Chris bites her bottom lip before mouthing at her chin, making her let out the softest whines.

Chris was so horny all throughout dinner, and when he knew he had a second while his family was sitting up in the living room for movie night, he took Aspyn upstairs to his old bedroom for a quickie.

Chris was in the process of removing his jeans.

"Uncle Chris?" a small voice said behind the closed door. Chris's eyes shoot open. "Yes, Ethan," he says as nicely as possible.

"Momma says to come down; the movie is starting," Ethan says, running back down the stairs.

"I love my family, but why are they all cockblocking today?" Chris puffs out as he zips up his jeans.

Aspyn can't help but laugh at the situation, and she gives him a steamy kiss before leaving him to handle it.


Matilda was playing on the screen in front of everyone. Chris and Aspyn were snuggled on the loveseat in the back, and the rest of the family was spread out throughout the living room. The kids were on the floor.

Chris and Aspyn were both sharing one big blanket. The lights were off, and the children were drinking hot chocolate while everyone else was eating cookies or cake.

About 30 minutes into the movie, Chris started to get bored, and he was craving his wife. Today was not his day.

His hand had been resting on Aspyn's thigh the whole time, but when he started to move it closer to her core, she fidgeted a bit. When his fingers wandered down to her clothed core, he started to rub them back and forth.

"What are you doing?" Aspyn mouthed.

Chris put his other hand up to his lips and shushed her. Aspyn turned her attention back to the movie. It was harmless, she thought. No one can see them. But then, about five minutes later, Chris' hand was sliding up your leggings and into the hem of them.

His fingers rested on her pants, right on her clitoral area. Aspyn's breathing started to get heavy, and a smirk appeared on Chris's face. He took his two fingers and pressed them harshly on her clitoral area.

Aspyn jumped and looked over at him.

"Seriously again?" she whispered.

Chris nodded "I really need you badly," he whispered back into her neck. Sending tingles down her back

Aspyn rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the movie. Chris wasn't giving her so easily, and he moved her pants to the side and rubbed her bare clitoral area.

Aspyn jumped again and moaned quietly, but luckily the movie was so loud that no one heard her.

Aspyn looks back at Chris again with annoyance instead of lust, like he is looking at her.

"Make an excuse," she whispered into his neck. He removed his hand from her leggings right away and stood up, and Lisa looked over at the both of you.

"Sorry. Aspyn and I are beat, and we're going to head home now," Chirs said as he laced his hands with Aspyns.

"Ok, sweetie," Lisa said, and the both of them went over to give her a hug.

"Good night. Love you." Lisa said

I love you too," Chris said, walking down the hallway hand-in-hand with Aspyn towards the door.

Arranged to Love 🪽( Chris Evans)Where stories live. Discover now