Family Dinner 💙

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Aspyn Pov

I woke up feeling much better this morning than I have been feeling the past few days. I took a nice warm shower, did my hair, applied sunscreen and lip balm, and walked back to the closet.

Over the three days I spent locked in this room, I unpacked my suitcase and put everything in its new home. Lisa wasn't kidding when she told me back at the reception that when she and Shanna went shopping, they bought everything.

Underwear, bras, dresses, tops, jeans—mostly the whole department store I sigh, looking at all the choices staring at me, and I decide to grab my old Lulu Lemons and a black tank top. I also grab my white sneakers and put them on.

I walk back into the bedroom and press the button to open the curtains and let in some sunshine. I smile as I look out at Boston City and the bright blue ocean. It took a while to get adjusted to this new room. Chris had all the high-tech things: special remotes for the AC, curtains with options for blackout or sheer, and shower options. I couldn't even get the shower on at first and kept pressing random buttons to unlock different water pressures.

I was a little taken aback when Chris told me he lived in the city. Not only did he live in the city, but he also lived in a giant building with so many levels. He owned a huge penthouse that seemed never-ending, and he had a dog to top it all off.

The room I was in was so big and had huge floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the beautiful cities, and near my bed, there was a lovely seating area where I had been enjoying my meals. As much as I would love to stay crammed in this room, I have to come out sooner or later.

I take a deep breath and open the door, closing it quietly behind me. I wonder if Chris has already left for work or is somewhere around here, as the time is only 8:46 a.m.

I walk down the hall and see the stairs. I slowly walk down them, taking in the home, as it seems even more beautiful in daylight.

Everything is a shade of black and white. The floors are a lovely gray marble, and the stairs are swirling and so wide. Chris has this huge black piano in the living room, right next to the dining table.

I was a little shocked when I saw there wasn't a door to get into the penthouse but rather a huge elevator. Chris had assured me that only people who had the code were allowed to come in at any time, or that they had to wait by the reception or buzz in.

As I walk down the street, I notice a woman who seems to be in her late 50s walking towards me with what seems like breakfast.

"Oh, Mrs. Evans, good morning. I was just about to bring you some breakfast," she says as she looks a little taken back.

I still forget that I am Mrs. Evans now. I come back to my senses and greet her.

"Ah, hi, good morning... Is it okay if I just eat in the dining room or somewhere else?" I ask as she backs up and moves to the side.

"Of course not, Mrs. Evans; this is your home. You can do as you like. Why don't you follow me, and I'll show you to the kitchen?" she says, and I nod and slowly follow behind her.

I follow her into the kitchen, take a seat on one of the chairs by the counter top, grab the plate off of the tray, and take a sip of orange juice.

"I'm assuming you are Olivia, Chris's housekeeper?" I ask her as she goes back to cleaning out the fridge next to me.

"Yes, dear, and how about you finish your breakfast if you'd like? I can show you around the place so you are more comfortable," Olivia says as I nod back, and she smiles.

Arranged to Love 🪽( Chris Evans)Where stories live. Discover now