You have no right to talk to my wife ❤️

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Aspyn Pov

A couple of weeks have passed since Chris found me in the shower with a fever. After that night, I moved into Chris's room.

I think Dodger was more excited than the both of us; now he can sleep with both of us. Chris was joking that we needed to get a bigger bed, even with two humans and a dog. Dodger would end up taking half the bed to himself.

Chris and I are on second base when it comes to intimacy. Holding hands, kissing, and cuddling. But I think I am ready to become one with him; he knew I was on birth control. We even talked about kids, but I never got to the part what I've been hiding from him.

Tonight Chris has another office party and wanted to bring me... I am currently in our closet trying to find a dress for tonight.

Chris is wearing a blue suit and tie, so I grab two options for dressing in blue. One of them was a halter top. I went with the other option, a dark blue long-sleeve midi dress with a slit. For my hair, I put it in a ponytail and grabbed my strappy heels.

As I put my heels on, I grab my purse and walk down the stairs, and I see Chris on his knees giving Dodger some cuddles. I pull my phone out and take a picture before clearing my throat.

Chris stands up and straightens out his suit while Dodger runs up to me after I give him so much love.

"Damn, Mrs. Evans, you are on fire tonight," Chris says as he pulls me into him.

"I could say the same for you, Mr. Evans," I say as we connect our lips and kiss each other while our tongues do their synced dance.


Anthony drives us to the party, and Chris holds my hand the whole car ride over once we reach the tall building that says Evans Enterprises on top. Anthony stops the car.

Chris gets out, walks over, opens my door, and helps me out. He extends his arms out, and I happily take them as we walk towards the front door.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Evans," the security guard at the front says as he greets us.

We walk past the main elevator and the stairs.

"Where are we going, Chris?" I ask as he puts in a PIN number for a door and opens another elevator.

"We are taking this elevator to my office, then we will go to the party," Chris says as we step into the little moving box.


Like Chris said, we ended up coming in towards the last few hours of the office party. Unlike Theo, Chris held my hand and stayed by my side the whole night. He introduced me to his office friends, colleagues, and business partners.

The number of times I've blushed tonight whenever someone addressed me as Mrs. Evans

Chris would also rub my back, as he could sense the nerves or tension of meeting so many people.

I was coming out of the bathroom when I stopped and saw Mary and Johnaton walking towards the bathrooms.

They stop in their tracks and eye me up and down, giving me a dirty look.

I walk past them, and Mary grabs my arm, pulling me back.

"Well, if it isn't the money digger, or should I say Mrs. Evans? Mary says as she rolls her eyes.

"So what are we now? You're not going to even greet us now that you're a hotshot or something," she spits at me.

"Forget it, love; anyway, how are your ribs doing, huh, Aspyn?" Johnathan asks me as he goes to grab my hand before I feel a hand wrap around my waist, pulling me closer.

Arranged to Love 🪽( Chris Evans)Where stories live. Discover now