Baby Evans 💛💙💜❤️🤍💖

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Chris's hand is tightly wrapped around mine, seated directly beside you. On a large screen, the doctor performing the ultrasound smiles, beginning to point out things.

"There's your baby, Mrs. Evans. You are fourteen weeks pregnant today, and your baby is the size of a Kiwi right now, but that little one is going to get bigger and bigger before you know it."

Chris and I both had tears in our eyes; the two of us really started to cry when the heartbeat filled the room. It was quite fast and strong, causing me to pull Chris into my chest, my tears soaking his shirt.

"And you and the baby are both healthy; everything came back good and strong as needed; no need to worry about miscarrying," the doctor tells us.

"Would you like to know the gender today?

I look over at Chris, and he looks back at me, and we both nod.

"Well, Mama and Dadda, you are going to be proud parents to a baby girl."

"A girl!"

"A mini Aspyn," Chris says as more tears fall down his face.

"Congratulations... I'll get the nurse to book your next appointment, and she'll hand you the sonograms," she says and walks out.

I can't believe we are having a little girl, and she is strong and healthy; that's all that matters.

Chris helps me wipe the cold gel off my stomach and hands me my shirt. We walk out of the clinic with all our smiles.


Time Skip: 39 weeks pregnant...

Third-person POV

Aspyn and Chris just got home from date night, and now Aspyn was lying underneath Chris wearing lingerie. Chris hovers over her in his boxers as he places gentle kisses on her neck and his fingers slide down his torso, meeting her wet core.

Not only was Aspyn down to the last few weeks of pregnancy, but she was crazy horny for Chris. She's never been this horny, and she didn't know where it came from. During the first few months of pregnancy, she couldn't stand Chris and would be super emotional. They didn't have sex for four months, and since reaching 33 weeks, she couldn't get enough of him.

It would be any day now when baby Evans would make their debut into the world; everyone is excited and on the edge of waiting any day now, but until then, Aspyn and Chris are enjoying their lives just the two of them before they become a family of four, including Dodger.

While Chris trails his lips down your collarbone and towards your lace-covered breasts, his fingers begin to rub your clitoral area on top of your thin pants. Right over the wet patch that's growing by the second.

Now normally, when the two would have sex, they would enjoy foreplay and tease each other, but when Chris rubs Aspyns's clitoral area to get her wet, he leaves wet kisses all over her skin, and she feels the brink of an orgasm already.

Chris doesn't even notice the signs of her approaching orgasm because he's focused on his current task.

"...Chris, mhm!" She moans out, hoping he stops rubbing her clitoral area to stop her orgasm from coming so soon, but it's too late.

"No, mhm, fuck. I'm cuming. I'm cuming," Aspyn moans in the midst of her release, her orgasm crashing down on her.

Chris just sits there in awe, never stopping his moving fingers, and is shocked that you came so fast.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come so suddenly. It's just that I was so turned on and your fingers felt so good on my clitoral area, and it just happened, she explains.

Chris removes his fingers from her soaked pants and scoots up to straddle her body. Then, leaning over her, he coos softly, "You have nothing to be sorry for, baby."

"But I'm still horny."

Chris doesn't even let her finish as her underwear goes flying, and next thing you know, Chris is thrusting into her with his member, giving her the utmost pleasure and making the both of them cum many times that night.


Aspyn Pov

And another. I sat up in bed and rubbed my belly. Looking at the clock, I noticed it was 5:58 a.m. I had been experiencing contractions since before I went to bed.


"Okay, Aspyn... Everything looks great. Just push when you feel the need to until I tell you not to, okay?" Doctor, she said as she walked into the room dressed in scrubs with the midwife behind her.

"Ok, on the next contraction, don't push; you need to stretch around her head." I nodded, and the familiar burning sensation hit me.

"No, I want it to stop! Please, stop!" I screamed, and Chris wiped my head with a wet cloth.

"Push on the next contraction, Aspyn!" I heard the doctor say it, and I felt her head exit my body.

"A couple more pushes, and she'll be here,"

I nodded, and Chris grabbed my hand, and I pushed once more. And again. And again. And finally, the room is filled with tiny cries that explode, making me smile.


Hayden Jane Evans is officially here. Our bundle of love was born on November 13, 2018, weighing in at 6 lb. 7oz.

We named her after my mother's middle name, Hayden," which turned out to be the same name as Chris's grandma.

Holding our bundle of love, we couldn't be happier. I can't believe how my life has changed so much within two years, from a wife to a mother now, and I couldn't have asked for a better partner to do it with.

The end

A/N: I really lost motivation with this story, but for now I ended it. Maybe I could revisit it in the future and add more, re-edit it, or something.

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