Fiji 💖

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Aspyn Pov

Tonight is our last night in Fiji; we would leave tomorrow afternoon for Massachusetts.

For Valentine's weekend, Chris surprised me with tickets to Fiji; he had booked this beautiful villa that overlooks the ocean, and I don't want to leave just yet, but I had been feeling a bit sick since coming here, and I was looking forward to going back home into our bed.

We had the best time here, exploring the island and having lots of uninterrupted sex.

Tonight we enjoyed a delicious meal in a restaurant Chris had reservations for, and now we were walking back to our room. The sun was just starting to set slowly, and the sky was glowing in a beautiful shade of pink and blue.

Just as we step inside the villa, Chris's phone rings again. I groan.

It's been ringing on and off for the past three hours now, and I'm starting to get annoyed.

Chris closes the door behind us, and he ignores the call yet again. We walk towards the room, and I slip my heels off and run my hands through my hair.

Chris steps behind me and starts to massage my shoulder, leaving small kisses down my neck, and I know where this is leading.

But just as he goes to unzip my dress, his phone rings again.

He kneaded at my tight muscles. "Why don't you turn on a movie while I go and figure out what they want?" he said, pointing to his phone.

I pouted even though he couldn't see. "Really, babe?" I turned my back, staring at him.

"It will be quick," Chris says.

"Alright, I'll probably take a bath or something," I smiled, wandering up to him and wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him towards me.

He pulled me closer by the waist and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.

"I love you," he whispered, his breath slightly tickling me. I closed my eyes, my core aching at the sound of his deep voice.

"I love you so much," I whispered back, bringing his face up and pressing my lips to his in a passionate kiss. He tasted the same, like peppermint, but I never got tired of it. Every time we kissed, it was like I fell in love with him all over again.

He walked out of the villa as soon as the phone rang.

"Chris speaking," Chris says as he shuts the door behind him.

I began stripping off my clothes, folding them nicely on top of the marble vanity. I removed any jewelry I was wearing. I turned on the water tap and started filling up the tub. After it reached a good amount, Tying my hair up with a hair clip, I got in and turned on the jets.

This was a great way to relax. I placed my arm along the edge of the tub, letting the jets work against my back, but my mind went back to earlier, when I was still horny, and as the jets massaged my back, I pictured Chris.

I closed my eyes, trailed my finger down to my clitoral area, and started to rub small circles, thinking they were Chris's.

I let out a breath, moaning when I inserted a finger, pushing in and out.

I whimpered, adding another finger and increasing the speed. I was picturing Chris between my legs, licking all over my core, and that made me moan loudly. My free hand went up to my nipple, taking it between my forefinger and thumb as it hardened.

Behind my eyelids, I visualized him throwing me onto the bed and pounding deep into me, his thick, big cock gliding past my entrance as I gripped the sheets tightly and curled my toes. Chris does things to me that no one else can; he makes me feel in a way that's uncontrollable now that I've had a taste of him.

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