My life🖤

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My fingers are shaking as I'm putting my heels on. I smooth out my cream-colored dress, apply some lipstick, check myself in the mirror, and walk out.

"Took you long enough," Theo says as he is sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for me to come out of the bathroom. He walks towards me as I grab my coat from the rack. He grabs the coat from my hands and throws it back somewhere in the hotel room.

"You don't need that, and you chose to wear that?" he says, eyeing me up and down.

"Yeah? I can change," I say, looking at the floor and avoiding his gaze.

"NO! Just let's go; we're already late, and you've already decided to dress like a widow," he says as I flinch when he grabs me by my wrist and pulls me out with him down the hall towards the elevator.

We take the elevator down to the lobby area, and Theo doesn't even wait for me and walks out as I carefully walk in these high heels.

I walk out, thanks to the help of the bellman, and see Theo already in the car on his phone, typing away as he smirks.

I walk around the other side as the driver holds the door and gets in. I roll the window down a little as Theo's cologne is starting to give me a headache, and the driver takes off.

Theodore and I are attending one of his office parties tonight. Theodore works for a big firm. We used to live in Seattle, where he managed one of the firms, and he recently got promoted to a bigger firm. One of the companies Theo works for partners with Evans Enterprises. From what Theo told me, it is a multi-millionaire company, and tonight they are hosting a party.

Theo's new job required him to stay in Massachusetts, so his company is moving us to Massachusetts, in a little suburb city. As of a few days ago, we have been living out of a hotel until our things from across the country arrive.


I stare out the window as we pass tall buildings, and it reminds me of when I used to live in New York when I attended NYU to become a writer.

I once used to be really happy in my early twenties. I lived with my aunt and uncle. Anne and Michael... My aunt was my mom's sister; when my parents passed away, she took me in, and everything was great until she married my uncle.

Michael always had a problem with gambling, and when I was away in college, he took money out of my trust fund. My parents left me and used it all towards betting, putting him in debt, and I was kicked out of college. Michael didn't want to go to jail and owed a lot of money, so he ended up selling me to Theo in exchange for marriage.

Theodore is very handsome, has green eyes and a charming smile, curly short brown hair, and is 5'9. I was in my third year of college when we got married, and Theo never supported me to pursue my writing anymore. I didn't think it was going to be hard to get married to a complete stranger, and it would work out. Little did I know.

So here I am now, three years later, married to Theodore Akens. At first, Theo was really nice and loved me, but then slowly he would start hitting me and verbally abusing me after six months of being married to him. Part of it had to do with his parents; they never liked me, and his mother started filling Theo's brain with awful assumptions about me. He would often bring other women into our room and fuck them next to me while I would pretend to be asleep, and in the morning I would find their belongings around the room. If we were to go out somewhere, he would often put on a show around people and show how much in love we are. or do the complete opposite and flirt with women right in front of me.


The driver arrives at the location in the city. It is really cold out, and so many people are in attendance. Theo gets out, and the driver helps me out. I thank him and walk around, and Theo links our arms together, and we walk in as if we were a couple madly in love with each other.

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