Chapter 15

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Annabeth's Pov:

The group followed Annabeth through the halls not making a sound. All adrenaline had worn off and everyone was filled with exhaustion. They decided to rest in a familiar room which Percy and Annabeth had visited before.

"I'll be right back," she told the group and walk over to one of the waterfalls to make a call.

The mist cleared and Annabeth could see Rachel's face.

"Annabeth!" the redhead cried. "I was playing a game of cards with Chiron a few hours ago when an orange leaf fell onto the table! How is everything going?"

"Maree sacrificed herself," mumbled Annabeth, not meeting the girl's eyes.

"Oh..." said Rachel. "Did you guys find anything?"

"Not yet," said Annabeth, finally looking up at Rachel. "But I need you to tell my siblings to research anything related to Chaos or angels. Me and the others will be back tomorrow, our time in the Labyrinth is done."

"Ok," said Rachel. Annabeth waved her hand over the message and let it disappeared. She walked back over to the group who were settling done to sleep. She snuggled up next to Percy and looked at her friends.

Hazel and Frank were lying together as were Piper and Jason. Nico was surprisingly in Will's arms, which made Annabeth smile at the cute couple. August and Leo had sat down a respectful distance away from each other for August was a Hunter and Leo was dating Calypso.

Hazel broke the silence. "What are we going to do now?"

"We're going to return home and keep on looking for her," answered Annabeth.

"She's not dead, just lost," said Nico, his eyes not leaving Will's.

"I'll return to the Hunt and we'll look for her," said August, her voice firm.

"We'll return to Camp Jupiter and make sure the Romans also keep their eyes peeled," said Frank.

"As well the Greeks," said Percy.

Annabeth stifled a yawn and snuggled up into her boyfriends arms, slowly drifting off into uneasy sleep.


Waking up after the tenth nightmare, Annabeth decides to get up. It must have been early morning.

She slowly extracted herself from Percy's arms and sat up. Nico and Will were cuddling each other in their sleep. She giggled to her self and she eyes drifted to the floor. There laid a black feather.

Annabeth carefully picked it up, knowing it came from Maree. It was a sign she was still alive. Closing her fist around it, she brought it to her chest and thought of her lost friend. Opening her eyes after several moments, she sighed and started rousing everyone else from their sleep.

Watching Nico and Will being hot red when they realised they fell asleep in each other's arms earned a few giggles and aw's, lifting some weight off the team's shoulders.

After everyone was packed up and ready to go, Annabeth let the way through the twisting halls of the maze until they reached a familiar hallway. In silence, she tapped on the mark of Daedalus and let the boulder at Zeus's Fist rolled back and let the light pore in.

Looking back at her quest mates and the maze one last time, Annabeth stepped into the autumn light and out of Labyrinth.

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