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"so what made you want to go blonde?" conrad asked noa what seemed to be his fiftieth question since they had arrived at the dock

"how many questions are you planning to ask me?" noa asked as she eat a spoon of her ice cream

"how ever many it takes for me to catch up on the last 11 months of your life of course" he smiled down at her

"you know you wouldn't have to do that if we never broke up" she returned the smile

"and as i said this morning that is the biggest regret of my life, and my new mission in life is getting you back" he continued smiling as he ate his ice cream

"oh is it now?" she chuckled

"yep sure is, no tell me about the hair"

"well if you must know i figured the brown hair tied me to old noa too much and if i was going to really figure myself out i had to have a new look" noa shrugged

"well i for one love it, goes with the whole popular party girl thing we were discussing at the house" conrad couldn't wipe the grin from his face

"mind if i ask a question?" noa asked

"of course" 

"what were you trying to tell me about stanford this morning?" she was curious

"oh don't worry about that we can talk later" he smiled 

"sounds good"

"hey lovebirds care to join the rest of us in a board walk show down?" steven called out to the former couple who hadn't realised how far behind the group they were.

"board walk show down?" noa asked as they reached the group

"its basically just me kicking belly's ass all day" conrad shrugged, "nothing special"

"whatever i'm in"

"you can be on my team noa" conrad smiled wrapping his arm around the girl. 

belly couldn't believe it. in all the years of the show down conrad had never once offered her a spot on his team and here he was just giving it away to noa.

"i might sit this out guys, seems like too much for me" cadence chuckled

"so i'm my own?" poppy scoffed

"you can be with us poppy" belly offered

"oh yippee all the people that love me" she laughed making taylor scoff

"let's get this show on the road" steven cheered

"let's hope for your sake this goes better than our last and only pier adventure" noa whispered in a laugh to conrad

"god don't remind me of that, why didn't you just tell me you hated piers?" he put is head in his hands

"i was a little sixteen year old girl on her second date i didn't want to break your heart" noa laughed in explanation.

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