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noa tried to close her eyes as the sun peeked through the curtains, blinding the girl.

"dude stop yelling it's too early" a voice noa recognised as poppy's spoke up with a groan.

"i'm not yelling" noa said, confusion throughout her voice

"oh who is then" it was only after these words were said did noa finally hear the yelling taking place in another room.

"you've been lying to me for days!" the voice called out

"oh shit is that laurel?" noa asked

"who?" cadence asked now joining the conversation

"belly's mom" noa explained

"come on i wanna listen" poppy jumped up dragging the girls with her

"maybe we should leave it alone pops" noa tried to reign her sister in

"oh shut it you know you want to now shh" poppy said as the girls moved down the hallway, the three of them pressing their faces up against the door

"literally anyone could see us right now" noa tried again

"dude shush"

"what do you want me to say? that you embarrassed me? that you made that whole day about yourself when it was supposed to be about susannah?!" laurel asked with a yell

"yes! yes! i know you hate me for it okay? but you will never hate me as much as i hate myself!" belly yelled in return

"come on belly grow up! i don't see noa throwing a tantrum over her part in it!" laurel continued

"why does everyone always choose noa!" belly yelled

"stop it! we are not doing this here. let's go" laurel began to gather the girls items

"i'm not going anywhere" belly spoke up

"is she crying?" poppy asked

"sounds like it"

"no, no, the only mistake i made was thinking that could help!" belly yelled again, "susannah would never forgive you for abandoning her boys, she would never believe-" a sharp noise interrupted

"was that a slap?" cadence asked

"i think we should go" noa spoke up

"yeah let's go" the three girls began to walk back to their room only turning to see conrad and jeremiah standing in the hallway and belly conklin exiting her bedroom



noa had now moved to the living room, beginning to tidy up some of the mess made throughout the house.

"hey" noa turned to conrad as he spoke

"hey" noa nodded in acknowledgement

"could we um talk maybe" the boy scratched the back of his neck

noa sighed before answering, "yeah i guess"

the pair began to walk to the pool, both of them sitting down with their legs in the water.

"uh first i just want to tell you that what you saw last night wasn't you think it is, i swear on my life. i would never do that to you" the boy spoke

"again." was all she said


"you would never do that to me again" noa corrected him, "that's what you mean right?"

"yeah right, i would never do that to you again" he sighed, "look noa this whole situation is so messy, belly just can't seem to get it but, i love you i always have and i probably always will"

conrad coughed before continuing, "i have been the worst boyfriend and now worst ex boyfriend to you and you deserve so much more but please just give me another chance and i will give you the world."

"con i don't know if it would work" noa sighed

"noa please it will, we will both be at stanford in the fall and we can just be us, no belly, no jeremiah just us, please" conrad turned to face the girl, cupping her cheeks with his hands, "please"

"can i think about it?"

"yes oh my god yes, as long as you need i will be here" conrad nodded frantically 

"okay then just give me some time connie" noa smiled at the boy standing up from their place by the pool and walking towards the house.

as conrad stood up he began to walk back to the house as well, to give steven his good news. walking inside he find steven in the living room picking up glass bottles.

"dude i did it" conrad smiled

"did what?"

"i told noa, i asked for her back finally" conrad couldn't shake the grin from his face, but before steven could respond they were interrupted.

"steven what the hell?" laurel asked


"belly drunk dials me, and i drive all night to find this? i'm just glad you mom isn't here to see this, to see what you guys did to her house" laurel spoke sternly, "i want this place spotless. and for every single thing of susannah's to be put back exactly where it belongs, if eve one thing is broken i swear to god!"

"mom we weren't the ones who moved her stuff" steven explained

"it was aunt julia, she's the one who emptied it, not us" conrad continued, "to sell it"

"but i thought susannah talked to her lawyers, she told me she reached out to julia right before things got bad." laurel spoke confused

"wait, then why didn't you say anything, conrad had to find out from a for sale sign in the front yard!" steven exclaimed

"i just assumed the resolved it before susannah..." laurel paused, "connie does you dad know?"

"of course he knows!" conrad exclaimed, "and of course he's done nothing at all to help us"

"yeah thats why we all came here" steven joined in, "we were trying to work something out with aunt julia"


"and we failed!" conrad spoke, "aunt julia's already sold the house to another family, they finalised the deal yesterday, but like you said atleast my moms not here to see it" conrad spoke as he walked away

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