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she's an angsty one



a few hours had passed and the party was really taking off. noa had yet to see conrad since she left to get ready, too distracted by her sister and best friend.

"this is a lot bigger than i thought it would be" poppy chuckled

"yeah i was expected 100 people max" cadence agreed

"do you know if anyone from stanford is coming?" noa asked

"yeah i've heard about a few that live around here, zac is definitely coming, you should get on that" cadence grinned at her friend

"oh leave it be we made out like twice" noa rolled her eyes

"it was more than that" poppy laughed


"speak of the devil look who just walked in" cadence nodded in the direction of the door where a tall blonde boy had just entered with some friend, his face lighting up when he made eye contact with noa.

the eldest fisher boy watched the pair of blondes hug in greeting, his features full of envy. of course as he is about to approach noa the mysterious zac appears, who even was this kid?

"buddy you're seriously gonna just let that dude steal noa off you?" steven asked as he watched conrads glare

"you can't even talk, the girl you like has a boyfriend and the last time you kissed her you had a girlfriend" conrad scoffed

"okay i know damn well that you aren't about to do the whole you were a shit boyfriend thing to me because you were so much worse, to both of them" steven chuckled

"whatever" conrad sighed before continuing, "i just wanted to hang with her tonight and now i can't"

"who said that? just go over there and claim your territory" steven shrugged before a sharp voice interrupted

"she's not a tree you can piss on" poppy sassed


"how much of that did you hear?" conrad asked

"enough" she shrugged, "now the idiot here isn't wrong, she likes you more than zac but if you don't get a move on he will. the guy has been after her since he met her."

conrad looked at the pair once again, noa now laughing at something zac has whispered in her ear

"well come on the night isn't getting any younger" poppy egged the boy on as she shoved conrad towards the pair.

"gees alright i'm going" conrad laughed

"good" poppy smiled before turning to steven, "now let's sort you out your issue lover boy"

conrad couldn't help but drag his feet towards noa and zac, as he looked up he made eye contact with the girl who gave him a warm smile and waved him over. just as he had almost reached the pair a hand wrapped it's way around his, dragging him out of the house.

once outside the boy had realised it was belly who had grabbed him, she was taking him to the beach, to the spot they had claimed as there's on many occasions.

"belly what the hell?" conrad asked

"we are talking you said we would" she explained throwing her hands around

"yes but i was clearly busy and you just dragged me out of the house" conrad shook his head

"no i don't care about how busy you were staring at noa, we are talking about prom" belly demanded

"oh my god so it's the jealousy, that's why you're mad." conrad scoffed, "your jealousy is what ended this in the first place"

"no this ended because you stopped trying" belly cried, "we were perfect and you just stopped"

"i stopped because i regretted what i had done" conrad yelled before freezing, he had never admitted that out loud before, "i made the wrong choice belly, we.. this never should have happened. it was a silly crush gone wrong"

"don't say that" belly shook her head, "you said you loved me, you can still love me"

"no belly i can't and i don't know if i ever did" conrad tried to reason with her

"no i promise i'm different now, i'm mature, i've grown up" belly spoke as she tried to grab the boy's hands

"belly stop no"

but before conrad could say any more the conklin girl had pressed her lips to his, the boy taking a second to react he stepped back as belly tried to reach him again she was interrupted by a voice

"are you fucking kidding me?" conrad turned to see noa seething at the pair with a cowboy hat on her head and another in her hand, it was his.

"noa i swear it's not what it looks like" conrad tried to explain

"no it looks pretty clear to me, because it's the same shit that happened last time, you promise nothing is going on and then this is whole thing happens behind my back." noa scoffed with tears filling her eyes, "i can't believe i fell for it again"

noa quickly began to run away throwing both hats on the ground as she did 

"you're fucking crazy belly" conrad scoffed as he turned to follow noa

"but connie-"

"no stop it i'm done with you" the boy yelled as he chased noa up the sand.

"noa please wait!" he called out

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