A Little Insecure [Bloodlust]

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Lust sighed as he held the beer in his hand. Lately, his club hired newer strip dancers and they were 2 times more times hotter than him and he was scared that he would get fired because of lesser demmand for him. He really needed this job but the worse part about that was he was getting insecure about himself...

I mean... they were skinnier, thiccer, had bigger boobs and bigger butts. They were also prettier and more handsome plus they offered blow jobs which can increase your popularity and demmand in his club and Lust didn't do it anymore since he was in a relationship with Horror.

He sighed some more before covering his mouth with his free hand before tearing up. He chugged the beer down and slammed it on the table and yelled out "Keep it coming Grillby, give me the bill when I die!" Before staring at his folded arms on the table. He was basically in an alchohol-induced depression and Grillby was getting concerned but nonetheless carried out the outrageous order.

Drink after drink, he began getting more wasted until the point of having noodles for legs. He was groaning now, regretting the drinks he just had.. he basically handed Grillby his wallet and drunkenly said "Hand *hiccup* m-me the change to- *hiccup* morrow Grillbs....*hiccup*". Grillby accepted the wallet and Lust continued on being miserable.

He kept overthinking and having 2nd thoughts, "I'm ugly, am I?". At this point he just wanted to commit suicide...

"Their fucking hotter than me..."

"They don't want me anymore..."

"Rori is probably gonna leave me for them..."

"I'm gonna loose this job..."

"I'll be broke in less than a week..."

"Fuck, I hate myself...."


Lust thought to himself as he stared at one of the whores pole dancing without her shirt and bra on. He slammed his head into his arms and began to sob some more. As many people left the club to call it a night, Lust was still in the bar section, shooting himself down. Grillby noticed this and seeing this was quite concerning and awkward, he reached a hand out to tap him but he stopped when Lust said "I'm not asleep.". So Grillby, not knowing what to do, just left him alone and didn't bother him for a few minutes.

Grillby was really concerned for him. Why? Well he has never seen Lust drunk-depressed before, normally when Lust drinks, the party was bound to get wild, and right now, Lust looked so pathetic. Grillby didn't even have the urge to flirt with him, being afraid that Lust would have a mental breakdown.

"Hey what happened to wild-ol'-Lust?" A bunny monster asked as he gestured his bottle of rum to the sad skeleton. Grillby didn't give any answer, in fact, he had none. He was not aware of Lust's growing anxiety. "Hey Grillbz, I think you should call his boyfriend...I mean just look at him...he's had too much than myself." A cat monster said to Grillby as she wrapped her arm around the bunny monster and the bunny in turn, nodded.

Grillby thought for a moment, writing what he was gonna say on his mind before walking up to his phone that was on the other side of the table, charging. He unplugged his phone and opened it before punching in someone's number. It took a while but someone finally picked up and a deep and voice fry voice answered "Who is it?".

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