Happy Family [Afterdeath]

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"Finally! I'm done with the chores..." Geno blurted out as he fell upon the couch; a tired smile plastered on his face. The baby was asleep, his older kids were at school, the pets were fed, the dishes had been washed, the floors swept and mopped, and practically every single task a house wife must face. He stared at the ceiling and a thought had hit him; how did it even become like this?

Years ago, he was just laying on the floor of the endless void but now, he had a functional family, a "decent" husband, and entertainment/things to do... Although the role as housewife did not come to his mind at all, he...had this feeling of appreciation for it. It was hard but manageable...

But still, he felt... Exhausted and tired all the time yet no one would say "thank you" or even react to the cleanliness of the house. Reaper was always busy and when he'd arrive at home, he'd pass out on the bed. Raven was more focused on his studies (and secret GF), Goth was busy memorizing the piece his teacher had given him, Nomi was always sleeping and little ol' Shino was just 3 months old.

It was really hurting Geno inside that no one expressed gratefulness for him.

"Damn...The doorhandles' are even polished, and they wouldn't even realize it." Geno said as he zoned out. He chuckled to himself sarcastically as he cursed Reaper playfully. "Fuck you Deathhhhh...." He groaned and held out his middle finger towards the ceiling, almost pretending that his husband was there. But little did he know, Reaper was standing by the couch, already back from work. Geno didn't realize it yet and continued  blabbing on.

"Reaper you fuckkkinggg prickkk, whyyy did I even sleep with you-".

"Genooo my looveee, I have a biggg dic-"

"REAPER WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Geno screamed as he jolted back into reality and was about to fall on the floor. Luckily, Reaper used his magic to prevent that from happening. "OH MY GOD, DEATH! SINCE WHEN HAVE YOU BEEN STANDING THERE LIKE A CREEP?!!!" Geno exclaimed at Reaper and the guy shed fake tears.

"I thought you wanted to fuck me..." The cloaked one said jokingly and Geno sighed at him. "No, you heard nothing and put me down, you almost gave me a fucking heart attack." The bleeding skeleton demanded and Death sadly complied with his request before snuggling with him. "So, what were you doing when I was gone, beloved?" He asked and Geno promptly pouted before looking the opposite way.

"I don't know, I think I was flying earlier." He said sarcastically and it kinda left Reaper stunned. It actually felt like Geno had beef with him or something... Reaper stayed quiet and he looked around, it was spotless. This caught his eye since he never really did get to look at the place. "Wow, I really like what you did with the place." Death pointed out, running out of options to keep the atmosphere from quiet. It came off as awkward and his partner raised a none existent brow at him.

"Uhm... I messed up did I?"

"Yes, you did."

Death just stared at his lover, speechless and nervous as Geno stared at him, waiting for a response. Reaper tried to speak up but was caught off by the sounds of his daughter crying upstairs. Geno, without hesitation, immediately got off Reaper's lap and took off for the stairs.

Reaper was then left alone, given time to reflect on what was happening. Was something wrong? Did he genuinely piss him off by saying "I lIkE wHat yOu dId wItH ThE pLAce."?

"Damn it! Why am I so insolent?! " He cursed himself and thought about what to do now. How was he to make it up to him? But how could he even do that? What action would he even do?

"Reaper, can you unplug the rice cooker?" Geno asked as he walked down the stairs, breastfeeding Shino in broad daylight. Reaper immediately stood up and fulfilled his request which left Geno astonished and suspicious since Reaper would always slack off and he'd always end up being the one who does his own command, but he appreciated it. He then sat back on the couch and rocked his baby back to sleep as she kept sucking on his tit. 

Reaper then came back, wrapping his arm around Geno as he tried to act cool. This sparked another interest in Geno, and he couldn't help but finally ask, "Reaper, what's going on?". The god of death jolted from his sudden question and frantically replied "Just being helpful, for once...". Geno raised a nonexistent eyebrow at Reaper's response and proceeded to interrogate him with his stare which made the literal god fold. "Fine..." He replied before twiddling his thumbs... "Uhm... A-are you angry at me?" He asked and Geno chuckled in amusement. "What? Why are you asking?" Geno asked while smiling at Reaper. This response made Reaper feel dumb and he elaborated more, "When I got back from work, you seemed...like you were angry...". Geno only stared at him, keeping that very smile. "Is that it?" Geno asked and Reaper nodded, anxious for feedback.

Geno broke out into laughter and Reaper scratched his head in confusion. "Did I say something wrong...?" Reaper asked and Geno wiped a tear. "N-no...! No, I'm not mad...just surprised." Geno replied and the god of literal death sighed in relief before his relaxation was cut short by his wife adding "But I will be if I don't get my "thank you" for cleaning the house and raising your kids.". "Uhhh....What do you want..?" Reaper asked awkwardly, mostly out of panic which certainly spiked Geno's anger even more. "What do you think I want?" Geno asked and Reaper was left speechless, trying to figure what his wife wanted at the moment.

"A Gucci bag...?"

"A what???"

"I don't know, what do you want? I swear, I will give it to you just pls don't be angry..." Reaper said, holding onto Geno's hand and kissing it. Geno just stared at Reaper in disbelief before slapping him across the face. "I want kisses and cuddles, dumbass." Geno yelled and Reaper muttered an "Oh". At the same time, their kids entered through the door and saw their father with a red cheek along with their mother glaring at all of them. "What do you say to the person who pushed you out of their vagina for 24 hours straight respectively and the one who cooks you guys' food so you all won't starve and the one who does laundry, send you to school, and etc...?" Geno asked and immediately, they waddled their way towards Geno before awkwardly hugging him and replying, "I love you mom", "I love you mommy", "I love you mama" respectfully. Geno then kissed all their foreheads before glaring at Reaper. The god of death got the message and he immediately responded "I love you Geno'' before he was pulled into the hug.

Then end :) 

(Lol I'm lazy)
(Oop- forgot to mention-
Requested by ADHD_mind)

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