Closed Visit [Dustblue]

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It was peaceful in the busy cafeteria. It was engulfed with white noise and a suspicious scent as the inmates were either busy having conversations within themselves or eating the newbies, the weak or the atrocious. Not just that, some of the prisoners were lining up for their food while others were busy eating. It was overall...a normal day to say at least.

Dust, a fellow prisoner, was walking towards the counter. His tired eyes explained it all and he didn't really have the energy to stay awake. Sluggishly, he grabbed a tray when it came to his turn for slop and served himself a bowl of questionable soup and an unknown sandwich. He didn't care to grab utensils and just left the counter. As he was walking, He looked around and saw a bunch of bands of criminals at the tables, teenagers who fucked their life over, and a bunch of retards. He sighed at that, he couldn't deny it but...he was one of them.

He looked at his food and a silent yet noticeable growl erupted from his stomach. The lonely skeleton finally found himself an empty table and began to eat. He grabbed the sandwich and bit into it, uninterested in it as he did so, and looked around, minding his own business. His mind was deep in thought. The sandwich was probably moldy and his whole gut felt wrong. But he was used to this.

After all, he had the audacity to sell and take a bit of Angel Dust and other shit.

Dust sighed, thinking about how Blue's tacos tasted better than this random dish. He bet that once he was out of here, he'd eat the cheapest street food since it probably was more suitable for human/monster consumption.

His eyes darted around once more and noticed a prisoner like him, drinking some water. He cursed himself mentally as realized that he forgot to grab water for himself and the counter's distance from him, but he didn't move, just bullied himself. He groaned as he watched that same prisoner chugging that glass like beer and the skeleton eventually went to grab his bowl of questionable soup.

He stared at the monstrosity and questioned himself of what was in the soup. He swore he could see that it had at least 3 cockroach legs, a dead fly, and a rat tail. All very icky stuff to say the least. He then pushed it away, getting nauseous at the sight. He wanted to vomit that weird sandwich and last night's Literal Ratatouille stew. But before he did, he thought about how he got here and his none-existent stomach didn't dare to throw it out.

HE had brought this to himself. HE was why Blue called the police on him. Why bitch about his wrongdoing? Something that he, himself, kept on doing when Blue always warned him about it multiple times. "You're here because you're a hopeless jackass." He told himself and bit his tongue to "hurt" himself.

The sinful skeleton really wanted to change. He couldn't bear to see Blue's face like that again, never again. He promised to change here and to accept punishment, and this... this soup is part of that... But then again, Blue was a huge cleaning fanatic and he doubt that he'd want Dust to eat cockroach legs.

He stared at the disgusting stew and began to think: How was Blue doing now? He hoped that Blue's relationship with him didn't affect his studies, after all, Blue wanted to be a policeman in the future.

His mind drifted off to the highest of grounds and thought of his only motivation of living and salvation, Blue. Oh, how virtuous and adorable he was. He gave him so many chances and he failed to comply yet, he still wants the best for Dust. He thought about his unconditional love and how he was going to get his shit together for him. The man was motivated enough to lift a tow truck.

He let out a subtle smile before remembering Blue's last visit which was a week ago and chuckled to himself. He was glad that Blue still had the same love for him even behind glass and he almost shed tears thinking about how he betrayed Blue 9 years ago...

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