Red Riding Hood and The Huntsman [Nightkiller]

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The moon was bright, the trees swayed quietly in the breeze. The grass was lightly wet and the sound of insects was quickly eliminated. It felt earie in this forest. Not a single animal insight, not a single ant to be heard except for the sounds of panicked footsteps running through the thorny brambles and bone being cut.

The skeleton fled, covering his mouth, desperately trying to muffle his heavy breathing. This enchanted outfit also didn't help. His whole body was overheated and he just wanted to sleep but he couldn't. He was this year's "Red Riding Hood" and the wolf from his village's folklore was on his way to hunt him down as we speak.

Tears escaped through his eye sockets as he ran throughout while blinded by the darkness. The faint light from the moon hitting his red cloak only made him more visible for him to catch. His legs was practically scarred as the only thing he had been wearing underneath was a very short skirt that could easily tear apart and his upper part of the outfit was translucent, making his large breasts visible.

He finally tripped and fell upon a shallow ditch. He held his screams of pain in, and frantically looked around... Was he safe here? He tried to move...


His leg went and he whimpered from the pain. He had surely broken a leg, what could possibly be that sound and the pain? Having been the late apothecary's son, he knew not to take this lightly, especially with the dirt and darkness. He teared off a part of his cloak and immediately tried to wrap the leg that was hurting immensely.

He then looked around, trying to calm himself down. Sweat and tears have a distinct smell as they say. He then rummaged quietly through the leaves and dirt, trying find some sort of stick or at the very least, a weapon.

After searching for a while in the complete ebony, he touched an item that felt oddly "cloth-like" and grabbed it, inspecting what it was. He traced his mud-covered hands along the thing and when he felt that familiar cross-stitch and the feel of cotton, he froze.

It was another "red's hood", so it meant... (This was the remains of last year's Red Riding Hood). He kept quiet, covering his mouth to prevent him from saying anything.

...He tried to crawl out.
He was frantic but still considered his leg's condition. He continued on, clawing at the moist soil and roots. At that very moment, he heard a branch broke and his adrenaline spiked.

What was that?

He whipped his head around and searched the entire premises, of course he couldn't see anything but he still tried to track where that sound had come from. He brushed through the ground and eventually found a large thick stick that he could use as a crutch. Killer struggled to stand up but when he was about to use the stick, he slipped.

The red-hooded skeleton practically awaited his fall but was startled when he felt of arms catching him. He screamed at that and tried to push his "savior" but was stopped when he felt them covering his mouth shut. "Shush, you're gonna call the wolf towards us." the person holding him said and Killer's eyes widened in shock. 

He knew that voice...

"N-night?" Killer blurted out and turned around to hug him. "Shh... I'm gonna get you out." His lover whispered into his ear and the teared skeleton shed some quiet whimpers. "Why are you doing this? You don't even belong to my village...!" Killer whispered but was stopped by Nightmare kissing him, "Don't worry, my village doesn't too.".

Suddenly, a loud and alarming howl came through the forest and the smaller shook in fear, fearing that the beast he had feared from his childhood would come now to feast on him. He immediately felt Nightmare's hands swoop his legs and carrying him deeper into the forest. He held tight onto Nightmare's body as he saw what was chasing them from behind.

It was a humongous wolf indeed. Its mouth harbored the sharpest and the most bloodiest teeth. Its eyes were full of starvation and manic. The claws looked like bright knives sparkling in the dim light of the moon. Rabies and saliva dripped from its chin. The worst part? IT. WAS. CATCHING. UP. FAST.

"NIGHT! ITS COMING!" He warned and just as he said that, the wolf pounced on them. "NIGHTMARE!!!" Killer screamed as It used its jaws to bite hard into Nightmare's abdomen and toss him towards a Mulberry tree. Nightmare's skull was cracked open and Killer could see blood pouring out. His eyes started shedding watery tears and his breath shortened. He couldn't believe it...

The wolf stared hungrily towards Killer who was frozen in shock and slowly began to walk towards him. There was finally a patch of moonlight in the trees and the black-teared skeleton looked up at the wolf and when he saw who it was, his heart was filled with betrayal...

The monster had reverted back into its human-like form and stared with glee at his defenseless prey.

"Chief Traydor?" He muttered in disbelief as his village chief tried to get in between his legs. "You thought you could escape me and leave with some Gabian-freak? YOU BELONG TO ME YOU LITTLE WHORE." He taunted and Killer immediately snapped and kicked him on the face with his working leg. "GET OFF ME PEDOPHILE!!!" He screamed and desperately ran towards Nightmare. The village chief groaned in pain and tried going after the lad but shocked when he threw literal stones at him which made him back off temporarily.

Killer tried to cover Nightmare's wounds but there was nothing he could do as he watched his lover bleed to death. He tried desperately to do something but was stopped when he felt someone pull him off of the dying skeleton and launch him onto the ground. Killer kicked and screamed as he tried to get out of his chief's advances but couldn't do anything when he tore off his skirt and panties and tried to put his wrinkly-ass dick in.

Killer cried bitterly as he thought that this was it when...


An axe was sticking out of chief Traydor's head and Killer watched as his assaulter was dragged and thrown away into the darkness. Killer looked up to his savior and he began ballling his eyes out as he felt himself being hugged comfortingly by his injured lover. 

"NIGHTY! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" Killer cried out and the purple skeleton chuckled... "It was all thanks to your amulet of revival..." He whispered and Killer's eyes widened in shock as he began hugging him more tightly. "You haven't lost it..." He happily said and Nightmare kissed him on the forehead. "I wouldn't want to lose your love."

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