Compensation🍋 [Nightkiller]

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For the past few weeks it had been hard for Nightmare & Killer. They've been recently wed but Nightmare was unfortunately struck with full stacks in the mail, mostly due to the fact that he had been ignoring it for the past couple days and now they've increased in number.

As Killer stood by the doorway, he could see Nightmare tiredly reading something on his desk. Every inch of his office was covered in empty pens and paper. Killer was quite worried about his lover's wellbeing so, he decided to approach him.

Nightmare didn't flinch when Killer stepped on the garbage below, he was quite used to the loud crunching of paper that he himself faced. Killer walked around and took a peek at what Nightmare was working at. He could see fine letters and lots of paragraphs on one page alone. He glanced at Nightmare's face and he could see a bead of sweat forming so in instinct, he fished his face towel out of his pocket and used to wipe away his husband's sweat.

"Night are you sure you're okay? You've been busy for the past week or so..." Killer informed, Nightmare stopped and he turned his way away from the shit of paper he had been analyzing. He could see worry from his dear Love and he glanced back at the soul-rotting white sheet. He really valued his time and he wished that he could spend it all with his newly wedded beloved but, due to a huge pileup in the mail, he could not do so.

"I'm sorry Kills but... I need to get this done." Nightmare replied as softly and gently as he could to his lover. Killer was honestly frustrated and pissed by this but didn't dare to oppose his statement and start an argument. Oh, no, no, no! That was the LAST thing he'd ever want to do.

So Killer sighed and gave Nightmare a kiss on the head, somehow thinking that would somehow make him change his mind but it only encouraged his determined husband. After seeing this, Killer left his husband as he was before going to their shared bedroom to sleep his frustration off.

As he opened the door, he stared at the bed. Oh, how lonely it looked; Quite a sad sight to see. He hopped on it and tossed and turned, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep on. It took some time but finally, he fell asleep; leaving his husband working at his office.

Now with the goopy boi, he was nearing the end of the page and he excitedly grabbed his stamp and slammed it loudly on the print before writing his name and happily signing it with his signature. He was ecstatic! He had finished everything and he was excited to sleep next to his lover and cuddle up in his chest.

Oh, he could practically feel the loving arms of his lover around him. He darted out of the room, a smile plastered on his face. It didn't matter that he was tired heck, who cares about the messy ass office?! All that mattered was the warmth of Killer's bones, or boobs if he's lucky. He didn't mind cleaning up tomorrow.

As he twisted the door knob and entered, Killer awoke; Sitting up in a confused daze while staring at the dark figure that stood by the doorway. Killer could hear Nightmare's voice chuckling as he drew near and a smile erupted from the skeleton.

Nightmare threw his slippers away as he sat down on the bed next to his lover and Killer in turn, pulled Nightmare closer. The guardian let himself be meddled with the short skeleton and he could feel all the love he had hoped to receive. Killer shoved Nightmare's face onto his chest and wrapped his arms around him, not letting him get a chance to escape.

The two affectionately snuggled up under one blanket and the octopus turned the lights off with his tentacle, not even bothering to move from this comfortable position. "G'Night, Nighty... Also don't fuck me in my dreams, you need to rest." Killer muttered and Nightmare chuckled at that. "That depends. If you're not being fuckable, I won't. If you are, I will; But do I need to remind you that you keep seducing me by your existence alone?" Nightmare asked and Killer went quiet.

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