Bus Stop [Dustblue]

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Blue's Pov

Desolate, nerve-wracking, and... pathetic was all I could describe everything and what I felt that night. Rain started to set, I was all alone with the groceries and...it was about 9 PM, I think.

I ate my hotdog at the usual bus stop and just sat there, my clothes slightly wet from the jumping rain water slowly flooding into a puddle by my feet.

I couldn't care less, this time I felt...numb.

I wiped my skull with my arm, slightly wincing at the bruises and possible wounds I just irritated.

"Gah... Great Toriel..." I muttered under my breath, getting a bit frustrated from all the pain and aching. It was all from today's previous battle with the Bad Sanses, nothing too serious... although it hurt...

I sighed, crumpling up the hot dog wrapper and placing it into my pockets.


I transferred the grocery bags beside me and looked around; no one was there. At least, not out in the cold weather without any vehicles like I was.

I didn't have an umbrella or a raincoat with me. I was practically butt-naked in this bus stop compared to some people who I could finally see walking by.

Cars and trucks rode along while I was still here, waiting for a big vehicle that had "bus" painted on it, great.

It was... Embarrassing but mostly humiliating for me.

Being a star sans while also bruised up, stuck here with groceries, and I was all alone.

I just really wanted to call asleep that very moment until...

WOOSH! A car drove fast past me and sprayed me with dirty water, effectively waking me up.

I was still in a state of confusion, gripping the bag of onions like my life somehow depended on it. I turned my head back to the speeding car and just stared at it... I just couldn't describe the amount of disrespected I felt at that moment....

I... Just wanted to just... Haizz...

I wanted to forget it, I was too tired to even get angry at that point.

Suddenly, I smelt the conquering smell of a lit cigarette and turned to my right, confused.

Who the-How could I not hear them?


I knew this guy.

How could I forget?

That hooded figure, unsaturated blue hoodie, glowing mismatched eyes and... a pack of Chesterfields peaking from his pocket. The dark shadow on his face could hide his face but I knew him.

"Dust...?" I asked, confused but too tired to even get up.

He turned to look at me, putting the lit cigarette down and blowing the smoke away from me.

"Hey Baby blue, rough day?" He asked and I nodded lethargically, looking outwards.

After a few seconds passed, I jolted, feeling someone put their arm around me and pulling me close. I look up and see Dust, quietly staring down at the road.


"I'm sorry for the sucker punch this morning at Storyshift..." I muttered, fake coughing afterwards. It was awkward but when I felt him rest his chin on my head, I smiled.

We just sat there for a while, listening to the buzz of vehicles, insects, and the pitter patter of rain. Looking at every vehicle passing by, I sighed, knowing that this might take longer.

Suddenly, I could hear him mutter "Hey Baby Blue..." And I perked up.

I knew he was a quiet man so this struck curiosity in me.

"Do you wanna drink some booze? I found a new bar opening up." He asked me and I politely declined, not really in the mood for drinking and checked my phone if Dream had texted me or something.

"Do you need a smoke?" He asked me and I paused, sighing. I knew I didn't want to and it was unhealthy but... At this time, I just wanted a release.

"Yeah..." I awkwardly replied and he lit a cigarette, handing it to me. I took a puff at it and blew, the smoke lightly fogging my surroundings.

"You okay?" He asked and I turned to look at him, replying, "Yeah, I'm alright, Dust... Just...not really in the mood. This morning and afternoon's battle really did a number on me, nothing abnormal."

I chuckled, letting a faint smile show. It was things like this that drew me to him... He always listened.

He caressed my cheek and I blushed a bit. Although his face was obscured, his charms wouldn't fail to woo me...

"Number eh? You almost broke my spine in half, 3 times." Dust said and I chuckled replying, "And you brought that sneak attack gaster blaster again when we already agreed you wouldn't use it ever again after I was injured by it.".

He chuckled at that and said "They were getting too suspicious of me so I had to make a change since you were deflecting my attacks so perfectly~"

I laughed with him and continued our conversation. Smoke and rain engulfed us and before I knew it, we kissed.


Suddenly a bus stopped by me and I immediately broke off the kiss, grabbing the bags and rushing aboard. I turned my head to him and he waved me goodbye which I reciprocated.

"Texting sesh tonight?" He asked and I smiled, nodding, as the bus took me to my destination.
A/N: I did not proof read this, imma do that in the morning.

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