Chapter 41

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"Aura?" Cash asks me. He stands in front of me, slashes along his skin. As I look to his face, I see a long cut going from the bottom of his eye down past his lip and I wince.

"That looks like it hurts," I say reaching out to touch the cut.

Instantly he pulls me into a hug. "I'm glad you're okay, Little A," he whispers against my head.

"We're hugging?" I ask confused. However, I slowly wrap my arms around him, hugging him back tightly.

"You're okay, so yes were hugging," he chuckles softly. "I was terrified when I saw those Porphies take you to the ground."

Cash pulls back from the hug and looks me in the eyes. His piercing blue eyes cut into mine like a knife. "You're okay..." he whispers again before leaning down towards me. His face slowly gets closer and closer to mine, as he rest the palm of his hands against my cheek.

For a second I swore he was about to kiss me. "Guys!" Clementine screams over at us. She eyes us up and down as we quickly back away. "Its Ivory, she's in bad shape."

Cash sighs, grabbing my hand. Clementine runs off, as Cashel follows pulling me along with him. At the edge of the Forgotten Forest near the trees lays Ivory. Her chestnut hair spiralled around her. Blood pooling around her. I hear Cash take in a deep breath as I stare at my old friend. She takes a heavy breath and then doesn't move again.

Izzy shoves passed us to get to her sister. "She's not breathing!" She screams as Cash bends down next to her.

Cash checks her, as Izzy lays her had down on her blood soaked sister's chest. "She's dead. Her injuries are to severe for her to make it, no matter how many healers try. She's gone."

Izzy sobs, blood getting onto her pink hair as she burries her head into her twins chest. Cleo bends down next to her, softly rubbing her back. Healers surround the area healing everyone they can. The few who can't be healed are placed into covers, transported to the hospital until the families come to get their bodies. Izzy screams as they take Ivory away. Clementine grabs her tightly as Izland collapses into her arms.

I grab Cash's arm and tug him into the tree line. "I don't remember much of the fight. What exactly happened?" I whisper to him.

"You transformed, so that doesn't suprise me. The Fallen Angel part of you must have been in control. You'll learn how to be more aware as time goes on."

"I hope. So the fight?" I ask.

"They were mostly focused on you when I showed up. I got some of the cops (TN) attention, and they sounded the alarm. Everyone who could fight came to fight. Cops, parents, kids. I think you're mom was actually here somewhere," Cash answers, as he peaks through the trees to the surrounding people around us.

I glance through as well, in time to see the cops pushng everyone out of the Forgotten Forest. Without saying another word, me and Cash step back out joining the crowds of people being ushered out by the cops (TN).

Once we're out and the people start to disperse throughout the streets, I mumble a goodbye to Cash. I had one last stop to make. I walk towards the guard tower, hoping someone will be there.

"No way," my favorite cop grunts when he sees me.

"I know, your favorite person back. I'm sure its such a pleasure," I grin.

The cop looks me up and down in annoyance. I get self conscious and look down at myself too. My whole body was covered in dried blood and dirt and purple goo from the monsters. My clothes were torn to shreds. The claw marks on my sides were dried up now, but still noticable. My Fallen side must have lacked the power to completely heal the injuries.

Suddenly I was aware that I looked like the walking dead. From the looks of my injuries I shouldn't even be able to walk right now, but somehow here I was. I needed to stop by a healer on the way home myself I realized as my body shuttered.

Stumbling a little, I go to take a step forward. Tripping over something on the ground, I completely lose my footing and crash to the ground. "Ouch," I whimper.

The cop rushes over to me, pulling me to my feet. "You need medical attention," he grunts.

"I need to know the girl is okay first," I grimace through the pain.

"Harley will survive. We got her to the healers just in time. Her mother is with her," the cop answers. He all but carries me into the building. We step into a white portal on the side of the wall and arrive at the healers office (TN).

"What do we have here?" a healer greets us almost immediantly.

"One of the people injured in the fight," the doctor says as he passes me to the healer. I stand weakily next to the healer. The pain floods through as the adrenaline and left over Fallen power fade away. With each second it gets harder to stand.

I opperate in auto pilot as they ask me a series of questions, plopping me down onto a chair. The healers surround me, hands lighting up. The tingle of their hands tickles against my skin. I could tell their abilities were running low too. Having healed so many in such a short period of time.

A few didn't last long, having to pull back as their glow dimmed against their hands. They wouldn't be able to heal me completely. It didn't seem like they had healed the last few people completely as some of the tables and beds next to me had slightly injured people on them.

It was a smart move not to waste their energies on fully healing people if you asked me. Most of the injuries left were extremely minor and could heal on their own in less than a few days. What scared me though was this was only one group of monsters. One kind. If the monsters were planning an attack like Hop had mentioned, we wouldn't be ready. Granted only one small group of healers were involved today, and the deaths were minimal, but there were only maybe 50 monster total. 50 out of a couple million.

"I can heal the rest of the way," I answer once I start to feel a little better. The claw marks were still decent scratches against my skin, but nothing like the gaping mess they had been earlier. I wouldn't tear them open as I walked now.

"Do you want us to sew you up?" One healer asked. "It may be old-fashioned but it will help them heal faster."

"Sure," I answer quietly. The healers get to work with potions and sewing and ointments. Every healer learned how to do their job without their abilities, so I knew within a day I would be back to myself.

Once they finish they have me wait for a while before I leave. Just incase something inside didn't heal as it should have. It gave me some time to thing. To reflect. And to realize I left my bags and weapons in the trees at the Forgotten Forest.

Once they let me go I head towards the park. A fence had already been put up blocking the entire park off. There was little way around it. However they hadn't finished adding to the top, and it was still possible to go over the fence.

How I was going to get over the fence, I wasn't sure. I just knew I needed to get over.

"Cash?" I ask into my communicator.

"Haven't we had enough of each other today?" he groans in response. "What do you want now?"

"Someone's moody," I grumble.

"What do you want Aura?" he asks genuinely sounding annoyed. "Make it quick."


"I'm hanging up," he states.

"Wait! How would I tranform enough to fly over something without losing control?"

"Aura, go home. Drop it."

"But my stuff-"

"Is in my room. Go home. And do not even think about coming here tonight to get it." He commands before ending the call.

I let out a breath of relief, Cash had gone back and gotten my stuff for me. Sweet, but man was he incredibly moody. With a sigh of relief I head back home. My bag and weapons can wait until tomorrow I guess.

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