Chapter 5

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About halfway through the school day, our teacher's face distorted into a look of pure horror. She went from talking to silent as she froze in place. She stood almost like an awkward statue, only moving to close her mouth. I instantly realize what is happening, someone is directly telling her the news. They went in here head to do so.

A few minutes later a voice spoke, echoing in the quiet room. "It is heartbreaking to inform you of this information, but Emperor Braxson has passed away. We will be letting it out early in honor of this information. Please stay calm, you're teacher will let you know you know when your class lets out school will be closed for the remainder of the week, but you will still be responsible for any assignments."

A kid in my class screams. Panicked screaming and talking break out across the room, as the teacher tries to calm all of the students down. One student throws their desk, or well what I'm hoping was their desk, across the room. The bang echoed over all the screams. The desk falls to the ground, and the wall where it hit has a huge hole in it.

By this point, an extreme headache had been born from my stress and exhaustion. The screaming and bang hurt so severely it made me want to cry. I watch my teacher patiently for a moment hoping she would manage to get the class calm. It never happened. Silently I grabbed my books and stood up on my desk. The teacher's eyes flicker to me in curiosity. Why would the best student in the class stand on the desk? I could see the question written on her face. The other students rioting in chaos seemed to be unsurprising to her, but her favorite student?

I slam my books to the ground and scream at the top of my lungs, "Be quiet!" Suddenly the whole class turns to stare right at me in silence. Fighting the anxiety buzzing inside of me I slowly sit back down. "Thank you," the words slip out of my mouth blandly. Everyone was staring at me, but for the first time, I enjoyed the attention because it meant that everyone was at least silent.

Mrs. Applewhite cleared her throat, "Thank you Aura." I silently nodded in response, as the students turn their attention back to her like lost children. "You guys are grown, some of you are already adults. I would expect better out of you than that. Please sit back down, we will be letting out in ten minutes. At that point, I expect you will calmly exit and go straight home to your parents afterward.

Some of my classmates listened and sat, while others remained standing. "I swear if you guys don't sit your a-"

Lyland cuts me off, "sit down guys." Everyone seems to listen to him as they reluctantly sit down.

I mouth, "thank you," at him. He had just stopped me from absolutely losing it at my classmates. He nodded back to me solemnly, the first time I ever saw him without his signature smile plastered to his face.

Our class remains silent, besides the occasional sniffle from some of the students crying. After an eternity, Mrs. Applewhite spoke up, "Alright class, it is time to calmly go home. I will see you all next week." As soon as she opened the door most of my classmates were already piling out of it as fast as they could. A few though, like Lyland, the crying kids, and I stayed back not quite ready to move. Of the ones who stayed behind, I was the first to leave. Passing by I gave a small nod to my teacher.

I had been pleasantly surprised that no one in my class had cheered at the news, as our Emperor had grown to be disliked by many. His murder, while traumatizing did not come as a complete shock. Hundreds wanted him out of leadership though I am curious who would have wanted him gone enough to kill him.

Putting in as much effort as I could to keep the memories from playing in my head, I called my mom. She had heard the news about the Emperors death herself and besides worrying about his girls she seemed completely indifferent. That was a good thing when I asked if I could go to the Lupine's house. she had no problem with it.

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