Chapter 43

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Jane answers him, as I tune them out. Even though I'm in the middle they talk over me with easy, not really noticing I was no longer paying attention. There were too many other things to focus on, other than catching up with my old friends.

"Aura?" Jane eventually asks. Finally noticing that I was no longer paying attention.


"Are you okay? What's going on?"

"I'm.. overwhelmed. There's to many things going on," I answer truthfully.

"Like what?"

"Probably upset because Cash said something mean," Ly comments snidely.

"My childhood best friend is back from the dead, my other childhood friends and I are closer to strangers. The people I thought were currently my friends, don't want me to ever come back around. My mom thinks I"m a killer. I'm homeless. Oh and the monsters are planning a take over to kill us all."

"The monsters are what?" Lyland asks.

"Sorry, that was a lot, but yeah the monsters having a whole entire plan formed about how to get through and kill us all while were distracted."

"They'll never succeed," Jane adds.

"Oh, but they will. Did you not see the damage one tiny group of monsters did the other day. There was no real defense to stop them. We barely won that fight," I counter.

"We had two angels on our side, I think we were fine," Lyland shrugs. "It would have been better if people who didn't stand a chance didn't jump in."

"You're suggesting Cash and I could have handled that entire group of Porphoses alone?" I ask with a sacrastic chuckle.

"As much as I hate to admit it, yeah. I didn't get there until the end, but its not like many people did. It was pretty much you and Cash the entire time," lyland says bitterly.

"You have something against Cash?" Jane asks Lyland.

"He's not my favorite person," Lyland grumbles.

"Why's that?" Jane inquires.

"He's a jerk. One that thinks he's a god, not to mention-"

"He stole your girlfriend?" Jane says with a mischivious smile.

"He did no-" I start to cut in.

"Kinda," Lyland answers.

"I was never your girlfriend. We kissed once, and besides there's nothing even going on between me and Cash. We're not even friends," I snap.

Lyland looks to me, hurt covering his face. "That's all it was to you? A single kiss? Nice to know. And please I saw you and Cash after the battle yesterday."

"I didn't mean it like that. I will say though when you feel like youre running from a murderer, it's hard to be focused on something as simple as a kiss. Me and Cash hugged because he thought I was going to die, that doesn't make us friends."

"Aura, you're obsession with the murders and the monsters has gone to far. You really think the murders after you?"

"You really think the monsters killed Izzy yesterday?" I counter.

"What?" Ly asks in bemusement.

"Izzy was killed by someone on our side yesterday, not by a monster," I pause. "So tell me why everyone whose been killed recently has been someone I know, while I was around. I'm not the one doing it, but they sure are following me. Next its gonna be you or one of the Lupines or my family. Watch. Emperor Braxton, Teagen, Izzy, whose next?"

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