Chapter 11

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The shoot went well, Becky and I did great at the set, she looks so professional and so skilled with her own pose.

This is the first time in the past week that i've seen her again. She bailed. Shut us out and didn't even show at the company for the last previous week. She has the right to be though. She have places to be. She has the right to bail and to be upset on us. On me. She have all the right to be mad and angry because I was the one at fault in the first place.

After the set was wrapped up, Bec swing her bag on her shoulders preparing to leave but I held her hand tightly preventing her from doing so.

"What?" She asked voice filled with venom making me want to retreat.

"Can we talk? Please?"

I begged. I know I sound so eager but I don't care less as long as it concerns Becky. I can't see her broken and hurt. And I can't fathom the fact that she is hurting because of me.

"Let's talk in the rooftop."

And with that she disappeared. Like she don't even present herself here a few seconds ago. Composing myself, I tugged down on my shirt scraping the back of my nape nullifying the uneasiness I felt.

I needed to fix this, it's now or never.

As I take turns on the corridors of the hallway. My heart started to thump real loud that I feel it getting out of my chest. It was the fastest beatings I ever received my entire life. Never have I ever felt so nervous talking to someone until Becky. She was the first who made me feel like this.

What she proposed the last time we talked still lingered on my mind. It was like a broken record on the radio that keeps repeating and repeating. It was as if it is imprinted on my mind that played automatically when I am alone or not doing anything. Her words struck me like a bomb making me want to be swallowed up alive by the ground if that's even possible. Becky loves me. Becky is inlove with me. I don't know why but thinking about that thought make butterflies rumbling inside my stomach. I cannot comprehend what I should feel, if I should feel happy or sad. But deep down inside me something more is blossoming. It is a feeling I can't quite explain.

I twist the knob of the door once I reach the rooftop and there I saw Becky beautifully spread on the bench looking at the sky from above. Her eyes are close and her headphones are tuck on her ear. She looks so calm, the serenity of her face gives me peace, just being with her brings a different level of ease.

She didn't seem to notice my presence since she never opened her eyes the moment I opened the door so I assume she is listening to music. Squatting down to level her, I can see some strands of hair covering her face, some of it fall over her shoulders while some hide the Caucasus nose she posses.

Unable to stop myself, I held a few strands of her hair tucking it behind her ear that made her jerk up and sat right away.

"Your already here." She exclaimed, nervousness evident on her face.

"I am." I replied.

"Sit." She beckoned me to fill in the empty space beside her so I gladly settle myself there but of course obtaining a safe distance in between. Brushing shoulders with me might be the least thing Becky would ever wanted now.


A long silence invaded the atmosphere. I can't build up my words. I can't bring myself to tell her how sorry I am, how guilty I am for invalidating her feelings and for the negligence I made to conceal her own emotions. I felt bad for not telling her sooner that I have a boyfriend and I am romantically tied with someone else all along the partnership we made.

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