Chapter 34

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As the Freen's flight boarded, her mind was completely in a total chaos. She was physically present but her mental state is absent from the present time. She cannot put a finger on what happened on the airport. She believe that who she saw was Becky, but somewhere between the depth of her minds says Becky won't be home.

England is her new home.

Thailand once was...

But not again.

She might sound a little too selfish to wish that Becky would be back in Thailand again and chose the place to live in to when she knows that Thailand is where Becky felt much more smaller of what she deserve she should feel. She was mistreated, accused, harmed, and most especially not well-taken care of. And Freen blamed herself for that.

"Water break!" The director yelled easing up the cold atmosphere flying on the room.

Ever since they started the shoot, Freen never really put her mind on her work. It's the first time in a long time she's acting strange and weird. And her behavior and the things that bugging up on her mind is affecting her performance.

"Freen can I talk to you for a minute?" Freen nodded in response following the director behind the camera, her head hung low as she knows she lack something on that shoot. "What's up with you? Is there anything wrong? You've been acting quite strange and it shows on your performance. Care to share what you are thinking?"

Freen sighed.

If they only know what I am thinking about would they understand and give me a break? Would they give me space and let me breath for a moment and let me live for what I know what's real and not? If I told them that I saw Becky... Would they believe me? I guess not.

Freen stated at the back of her mind. And she cannot do anything to prove what she saw because at the first place everyone knows that Becky is in England.

"I'm sorry Phi. It's just that..." Freen purse her lips in attempt to calm herself down. " There's a lot in my mind to take in. I'm sorry, i'll give my best in my second shoot."

"Are you sure your okay? You know we can rest first if your now feeling well."

"No Phi... I'm fine, I don't want my etiquette to affect everyone's performance. We can continue the shoot."

"Okay if you say so."

And with that being stated, Freen's shoot resumed and this time Freen already came back to her usual self. Her bright smile flashed in her eyes again as she utter each and every word she needed to say to endorse the product she is hired to do.

Nam on the other hand is also endorsing the same product after Freen's shoot and it was taking so long to finish making the younger one get bored of waiting for her best friend.



"Water?" P'Beer hand her a bottle of water and wipe her sweat of her forehead as she settled beside Freen's sit.

"Thank you Phi."

"Always welcome." P'Beer replied. "Nam told me about what you saw on the airport."  P'Beer uttered bringing up that conversation again.

"Let's just forget it Phi. Maybe it's really not Becbec." Freen replied.

"But what if it is really Becky, Freen? What would you do?"


"I mean what if who you saw was really Rebecca... Would you ever do something to get to talk to her?"

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