Chapter 50

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PS: I'm so sorry if I keep updating late and delayed, I just have a lot of things in my list that is still ongoing and I need to focus on it before I start writing again.  This chapter will be all about Sabrina and Cassandra's love and Freen and Becky is there to witness them for the first time. Read the chapter naka and please be safe. Mumu and  enjoy na ka.😘🤍


"Freen?" Becky tapped the latter's shoulder as she notice Freen already calmed down from the crying and all she could hear were muffled sobs. "Hey, let's go now? You good?"

Freen nodded but Becky is still unconvinced if the girl is really okay but she disregard it for the meantime because they have to go to the hospital to visit Ms. Pansikon's friend.

"Let's fix yourself." Cupping the older girl's cheeks. Becky wipe away the dried tears as she try to fix Freen's appearance by fixing her smudge make up from her face. Freen didn't say a thing, what the guy said hit a nerve that she cannot deny.

But what's wrong by falling in love with someone not Becky when in fact she didn't know that Becky have feelings for her nor seen her as more than a sister?

The walk towards the restaurant was silent, non of them speak until they reach their table seeing Ms. Pansikon sitting comfortably on the table waiting for them.

"Hey, you two are back. Can we go now?" She asked. Becky looked at Freen to check the other girl before nodding.

"Are you okay? What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

"Nothing Ms. Pansikon, can we go now?" Becky ask and their manager nodded.

Freen remained silent. It's like those days where she would just lock herself up in her room blaming herself for what happened to her and Becky. And right now it came back rushing again, the overwhelming emotions of guilt and the nonstop blaming. She was so tired of it that sometimes she think she can't go on any longer. But she can't stop. Because she can't fail Becky again, she wanted to prove Becky that she love her and she means so much to her so all she could do is pay no ears for those who talk shits about her.

All she could do is ignore those people who judge her because not everyone like her, but not everyone matters.

The moment they arrived at the hospital, guards directly secured their entrance so that people won't bombard them as they enter the hospital.





Despite the hate Freen is receiving, she is still happy that there are still a lot of people who is happy she exist. She's happy that she made them happy.

"Still quite famous are we Ms. Sarocha?" Becky teased to lighten up the mood.

"So are you Ms. Armstrong." Freen replied and both of them giggled with their own silliness.

They followed their the CEO and their manager towards a private room and when they entered the ward Freen and Becky's heart broke at the sight. There, a girl is lying lifeless on the bed with tubes connected to her body. They can't count how many tubes are connected to the girl because there are a lot.

Ms. Pansikon walk closer to the bed sitting down on the chair beside the bed helding the girl's hand.

"Hey Sabrina."

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