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Kabir glanced at his phone for the hundredth time today, he clenched his fists when he saw the message sent to him. It was a picture of Ira dancing. Below it was a threat message."If you want her alive and well mind your own fucking business." This one text had sent him into a frenzy.

He went on a run to cool himself and punched the hell out of the punching bag but none of them helped him in cooling his anger. They were using Ira to bait him. For now, she was safe and he made sure of that at all times but there were dangerous people out there who would do anything to stop him from protecting his country.

He had been working on a lethal mission that was assigned to him by TIIS (The Indian Infiltration Squad). It had just been a few days since he started working on this mission but someone was already spying on him. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. There was no vacation time for him anymore. For the next two years, things were going to be intense for him.

He was currently in the house that was provided to him by TIIS. He leaned against the couch and looked at the text Ira had sent him. It was almost two days ago and he was yet to reply. He smiled when her cheery face appeared in his mind. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Everything else faded when they were together.

His smile disappeared when he remembered what he was going to do. It had been five days since he had spoken or texted Ira. He has been putting off this conversation for a long time, but now there was no other choice he had to talk to her soon.

After contemplating for hours and hours for the past two days Kabir concluded that it was best for now if Ira and he ended their relationship for her safety and his sanity. He didn't want to do that but at the same time, he doesn't want her to constantly be anxious and think about him when she was at the dance school. She does not deserve that, she deserves to be carefree and happy. She deserves a chance at real love.

Even if it means his heart is going to break. This was the safest option for now. There's no guarantee that he'll come back alive or come back wrapped up in the tricolor flag. Either way, that's not going to stop him from busting those bastards who are a threat to his country.

After hesitating for an hour Kabir sent a quick text to Ira that he was proud and happy for her. He asked her to meet today after her dance practice. Ira was happy to oblige. He can only hope that Ira will understand his reasons. Doing this is going to be the hardest thing ever. His heart was already in shambles.


Ira was usually focused and composed whenever she was dancing but today she couldn't do either. She felt giddy every time she thought about Kabir's text. Even in college, she was constantly thinking about Kabir. Ira was pursuing a bachelor of arts in dance and also attended dance classes after her college classes. She patiently waited for her dance class to end. Her teacher was elated that she was accepted into one of the best dance schools in the country. The Bharathiya Nrithya. It was located in Calcutta. Everyone clapped and cheered for her when her guru announced it in class.

Ira quickly removed her anklets and kept them in her bag. She removed the dupatta that was tied around her, folded it, and placed it in her bag. She grabbed a stole and wore it around her neck. She was about to sprint towards the gate to leave when some of her classmates and friends surrounded her.

They congratulated her once again. She patiently waited and tried conversing with them but she couldn't stop glancing at the gate. When everyone left she texted her parents that she was going to meet Kabir. Her father sent a gif that consisted of fire coming out of an animated character's ear while her mother just replied with a thumbs up. Ira giggled shaking her head. Although Neel didn't like Ira going out with Kabir he respected and trusted her. Of course, he had already warned Kabir, her easygoing father appeared scary to Kabir which always amused her. She sighed and finally exited the gate.

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