CH5: Under the stars

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The next morning I hoped that my father wouldn't remember about the previous night. I sat at the dining table and waited for my mother to serve me breakfast. I tapped my feet and looked towards the main door.

I sighed in relief. My father was still out on his jog. I plan to eat breakfast quickly and get out here as soon as possible. I tapped the plate and waited for my mother to bring me the roti.

"Mumma! Make it fast! I have to be at college soon. I have an early class today." I checked my watch I still had a few minutes before Papa came home.

My mother placed two rotis on my plate and served me some vegetable curry. I quickly dug in. I coughed and she patted my back handing me a glass of water. "What's the hurry?" She asked me.

I swallowed another piece. "I told you early class," I muttered and continued eating. I averted my gaze as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"What? I'm not lying! You can ask Nidhi if you want." I said.

Mumma burst out with laughter and shook her head. "Ohh Ira! You are exactly like me!" I frowned as she ruffled my hair.

"What do you mean?" I asked and took one last bite. I stood up and placed the plate in the sink. I washed my hands and dried them with a towel.

Before she could answer Papa returned from his jog. "What are the two most pretty ladies up to?" He asked and kissed our foreheads. I chuckled when he tried to hug Mumma who wrinkled her nose and pushed him away.

"Stop it, Neel! Go take a shower!" He chuckled.

"It's always fun to irritate you, Indu!" He tapped her nose and she slapped his hand away. I laughed and slung my bag over my shoulder. The love that they shared was something that I wish for myself too. They made being in a relationship look so easy.

"Okay, folks! I'm off. Have a good day." I said and kissed their cheeks.

"Ira. Hold on!" Papa called out. Shit! So close! So close to escaping. I took a deep breath and turned to look at him.

"Why were you practicing so late in the night? Don't you usually finish up everything in the evening itself? Also was I in a sleep daze or did I hear voices ?"

Oh crap! I cleared my throat and fiddled with my stole. "Papa! Why would you hear voices that's ridiculous! I was alone in there." I blurted out and let out a nervous laugh.

"I got inspired and  I didn't want to risk forgetting the steps so I was just practicing. Maybe you heard an ad that was played on YouTube." I stuttered at the end but covered it up by coughing.

Papa scrutinized my expression. I smiled nervously and glanced at my watch. "Okay Mumma Papa, I need to go now. Bye." I kissed them each on the cheek and sprinted towards the front door.

"Bye Ira. Be careful. Have a good day." Mumma shouted behind me and laughed.

"Don't slip on the front steps. Go slow!" Papa shouted. I wore my shoes and turned to glare at him.

"Stop it, Papa! I don't fall anymore!" I grunted when I heard them laugh behind me. Ugh! I had a bad track record with these porch steps. I always slipped when I was in a hurry.

I almost stumbled but regained my balance. The rest of the day seemed to speed by. I had sent a few texts to Kabir but hadn't heard from him yet. He was probably busy. I exited the college.

"Bye Ira. Let's have a call today and discuss our presentation?" Nidhi asked.

"Hey, why don't you come home tomorrow? It's been a while, right? We can have a sleepover and also prepare for the presentation that's there on Thursday."

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