CH3: Pain, Dances, and Pani Puri

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It has been exactly eight months since I had been deployed. I was returning from my deployment today. I was posted in Pune for now. I wanted to meet my parents who were currently in Bangalore before I settled in Pune but they insisted that they have a long weekend hence they would fly this week to see me.

I entered the house that was accommodated to me and placed all my bags on the side. I glanced out of the window and sighed. I felt hurt and angry. We lost one of my teammates Tushar. He was an amazing officer and more than that a great human being. Even if things were hard he always had a positive attitude.

I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. Those bastards, I want to end every one of them. Pain and loss was nothing new for me. Especially in the field that I am in but every time it left scars that could never be healed.

Meera was injured too, I checked in with her once in a while. She was doing better now. It was easy to recover physically but mentally I knew that she was still disturbed.

For now, I controlled my anger. I'll get my chance to end each and every one of those bastards that is when I'm going to show them hell. My phone pinged and I couldn't help when my lips morphed into an automatic smile. It was a text from Ira.

It was a picture of the sun rays touching the trees along with it was a sweet note. "Every day is a new beginning embrace it!"

Ever since the day we exchanged numbers she has been sending pictures and always added a sweet note along with it. There were days I couldn't reply but reading the words of comfort always brought a smile to my face.

I replied with an aesthetic picture of the sunrays touching my window. "Already embracing it."  I smiled when I noticed that she read my text immediately. I perked up when the dots appeared, I waited patiently for her to reply.

"That's good! Where are you now? How are you? I haven't heard from you in almost three weeks. Are you okay ?"

Our communication, for now, was only through texts. We did talk a couple of times over the phone during the early days of my deployment. Connecting with Ira had been fun. She always added a spark to my gloomy days.

"I'm fine Ira. Don't rack that pretty brain of yours. I couldn't communicate with you due to some security reasons. I hope you understand."

She replied sending me a thumbs up along with a smiley face. Since Ira was in Pune I wanted to surprise her. She assumed that I would be going to Bangalore since my parents lived there. I hadn't told her about my current stay in Pune.

"Aren't you going home today? Did you land safely?" I smiled and sat down on the stool.

"Yes, Miss Dancer. I landed just a few hours back. I'm on my way home. I wish to see your beautiful face soon."

I tapped my foot and waited for her reply. I smiled when my phone rang. I chuckled softly at her response.

"Then come and take me on that coffee date Officer. Actually, I have been craving for Pani Puri so why not a Pani Puri date?"

I'm sure she was blushing profusely with a beautiful smile on her face when she sent me this text. Ira was always bold with her texts. Can't wait to tease her about that.

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