CH1: The meet cute

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I smiled and tilted my eyes toward the sky. It was a bright shiny day in Dehradun and I loved every bit of it. The warmth of the sun's rays touched my face I couldn't help but sigh contently.

It was indeed a beautiful day. I took a deep breath and rubbed my palms together. I sighed as the sun began rising, the orange and yellow hues were swirling in the sky giving it a beautiful mix of both colors. I smiled and closed my eyes again.

I was walking in the park that was close to Annie Aunty's house. Since all of us were staying there once in a while it was nice to have these alone walks and just ponder upon my thoughts.

I sat on one of the benches in the park and looked around. It was almost 7 am more people were starting to show up. Some of them were jogging, while some of them walked and some of them played with their kids. Since it was a weekend a few kids cycled by and giggled and chased each other. I smiled and waved my hands at them as they passed by me. They grinned widely and cycled away.

I leaned back and stuffed my hands in my jacket pockets it was a bit chilly. I made a mental checklist for all the things that I had to buy for Veer Bhai's birthday which is in another week or so, Tanny and I have been planning for weeks. If everything goes well then we should be able to at least break some barriers between Meera Di and Veer Bhai.

I  am annoyed with them, those two can be so frustrating. They have been together since they were kids, I don't know the exact details but something happened between them a few years back and ever since then, they have been hostile with each other. I hope they soon realize their feelings for each other and sort everything out.

I sat there for a few more minutes. My mind went back to the time when Meera Di had introduced her friend Kabir a few weeks back. When my dad announced that they were dating I felt kind of dejected but turns out they were just good friends. I had never been this drawn to any man before. I frowned when his face flashed in my mind again. I don't want to think about him.

Relationships were something that I had never experienced before, honestly dance and music took up most of my time. Some boys had asked me out but I was never interested. For the first time, I was intrigued by someone and that was Kabir. I wanted to know more about him, I wanted to talk to him. That's crazy because I only met him once and had barely had a conversation with him. During our awkward introduction, he looked kind of shocked to see me. 

I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts. Maybe I'm overthinking this, maybe he was startled because my Dad assumed and announced that Meera Di and he must be dating. I'm done thinking about this for now. Whenever I think about this my thoughts go haywire leaving me in a very confused and messy state. I clicked my tongue and stood up.

I decided to take another lap around the park and then walk back home. I began walking and for now, my thoughts about Kabir were pushed aside. I put on my earphones, and played a classical song, as I continued walking. I hummed and moved my hands slightly recalling the steps for this particular song.

I paused for a second and frowned when I couldn't remember a particular step. What was it, I played that part again and tapped my foot. I closed my eyes and finally, the images of those steps floated in my mind. I grinned and started walking again. I loved this part of dancing the most. The moment when everything around me disappears and the only thing that exists is the music, steps, the rhythm, and me.

I was completely lost in my thoughts I didn't notice anything or anyone around me. I didn't realize that my shoelaces were not tied properly, they were open, I yelped when I stepped on the open laces and was about to fall. Suddenly I felt a strong grip on my shoulders preventing me from falling. 

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