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After that, we walked back to the Chateau. I mean, we could have waited for John B but Pope left and so did Kie. So we wasn't sure if John B had left as well. Well, we did. The twinkie was still parked where we left it but we couldn't be arse to wait. It wasn't so far away only like 30-40 minutes walk and by the time we should get back, John B should be back.

"Hey, Reese." JJ speaks up

"Hey, JJ." I say not sure why he's saying hey to me when I've been walking next to him for the last 10 minutes

"Uh, so, uh, we never asked you what you would do with your 80 mil." JJ says

"Oh, it doesn't matter now." I say glancing at JJ

"It does, Reese." JJ says, I'm really confused. Why is he bringing this up? It was like a couple days ago, it doesn't matter and I forgotten what I was I gonna say anyways. I feel like there's more to it.

"J, I've forgotten. It really doesn't matter." I say chuckling a bit

"Okay." He says looking down

What's up with him? I look at him.

"Are you okay?" I ask

He stops walking so I stop walking.

"Okay, no. What's going on? Because earlier at the hotel when we was in the computer room, you kept looking at me and Kie. And that's not the first time it's happened, you also did it when we was talking about the money at John B's." JJ says to me. This came out of nowhere.

"Huh?" I laugh, "Am I not allowed to look at my friends?"

"Yes, of course. But, Reese, I can tell when your mad."

"I wasn't mad? Just looking at my friends, so sorry. It won't happen again." I start to walk away but he grabs my arm and pulls me back

"Don't be like that." He says

"Don't be like what? I don't get what you're talking about." I say with confusion

"You know you can speak to me anytime and about anything. Whenever." He says, I furrowed my eyebrows

"Yes. I know that." I say nodding

"Keep that inside your little small head of yours."

"Are you seriously saying I have a small head?" I say as I cross my arms, JJ laughs and he starts to walk away pulling me along. I have no clue what that was all about, but I'm so glad he didn't push it. Hopefully he forgets about it.

The rest of the journey back to the Chateau, we were having a disagreement about if I have a small head or not and if JJ has a huge head. I know, tell me about it. When we arrived at the Chateau we see that Pope, Kie and John B were sitting in the front porch. How the fuck did John B beat us? We walked up to the porch.

"How the fuck did you beat us, Johnny?" I say making us known, Kie jumps up and hugs me. That came out of nowhere, why is she hugging me? "Oh, unexpected PDA there but uh.." she pulls away and looks at me

"Why did you take forever to get back?" Kie asks

"JJ and I got caught so we had to make up some bullshit about dads. Missed the show, we had tears and everything." I explain

"And then we had to walk back." JJ add glaring at the rest of them

"Uh, sorry about that." John B says, "anyways, I got the drone."

"You did?! How?!" I ask

"Well, while you and JJ were making shit up, I managed to smash the lock and grab the drone." John B says and I raised my eyebrows

Lost Pogue | JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now