Chapter 31

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The football game was going in full swing as I sat at the front of the bleachers, my hand with a hot dog while the other had a coke. Since I was Abacus' girlfriend, I got to wear his jacket as I cheered for him. I had always seen other football players' girlfriends wear them, and now I got to be part of it. I see Gina coming towards me in her cheerleading outfit and a scowl on her face. She gets to where I'm sitting and huffs in annoyance, "I can't believe I have to perform at halftime. I hate it. I hate this outfit, hate the stares, and I hate being peppy."

"I don't think anyone thinks you're peppy," Link says as he joins us with more food than he could eat. He had a box with 5 hot dogs, popcorn, candy, and two slushies. Gina turns and gives him a smile.

"Thanks. Warms my heart to know that," she says sarcastically.

"If you hate it, why are you a part of it?"I interject before they start an argument.

"Because it's a family thing," she explains with a shrug. I had never thought much about it, because I always believed she liked it. "My grandma was a cheerleader, my mom was one, my sister was one, and now I have to be one. Go me," she says and raises her pom-poms with a fake smile.

"Why didn't you ever try to be one Amelia?" Link directs the question to me.

"Never called my attention."

He jumps in front of us, "you mean you never wanted to do this." Link precedes to move side by side before Matt joins and sharing a look, they both do a backward flip, leaving me stunned with a wide mouth.

Link grabs the pom-poms from Gina and stands in front of us. "Ready team?"

Since Matt didn't talk, he had to respond too. "Okay." However, at this point, Gina has now entered the group formation. Link moves side by side as the rest follow and waves his hands up. All I can do is laugh before Gina waves me over. I go stand next to her and follow her lead. Hands-on hip, moving side by side, clap.

I could feel the pain in my stomach from the laughter as we stood in front of the crowd. We weren't in eye shot since everyone was focused on the game, and not us. I didn't have a care in the world at the moment, I liked that feeling.

"You're going to steal our spotlight," Sienna says as we all stop. We look at her as she looks at Link and grabs the pom-pom's from him. "These are your's," she gives them back to Gina. She gives me a sympathetic look, "How are you doing Amelia? Still mad that my boyfriend backed me up?"

I can see Gina clench her teeth and her fist, taking one step closer to her. I put my hand on her shoulder and shake my head. "Cute," Sienna responds at her actions, "but I'd be careful Gina. Now hurry, we need you or we're all going to be late."

Gina whispers in my ear, "I wish you would let me hit her. Guess now I have to ruin the performance. Shame." She smiles and squeezes my hand, "catch you later miss Valedictorian." We watch them disappear behind the bleachers as Link and Matt settle down next to me. I look at the boys and hand them a banner I made cheering Abacus and Grayson. It was in simple glitter that said Go Get 'em Abacus and Grayson. I can see the boys smile at the banner before glaring at each other. This only earns me glares from the football boys, girlfriends, and people behind us.

"How did she get Abacus?" the voice says. I recognize that voice and turn around to see Lynett. She gives me a fake smile before continuing with Carter, "more importantly, how is she friends with Grayson?"

"Did you hear what happened in the photograph exhibit?"

"Heard? I was there."

"Don't listen to them," Link tells me and gives me a reassuring smile. I knew they were saying this out loud so I could hear them. I haven't talked to them ever since the day they all accused me as if I had committed perjury by talking to Grayson and his friends. I thought it would pass but now, I wasn't sure. They had stooped so low to criticize me behind my back.

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