Chapter 18

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Grayson doesn't pry after that and we walk up the stairs in silence. Retrieving my backpack with Grayson was no easy task. When we get to the door, I ask, "how are we going to get in?"

He shrugs and responds, "beats me."

My mouth falls open as I look at him in bewilderment. Grayson puts a hand on my chin and lifts it, closing my mouth. I glare at him. "Are you messing with me?"

He gives me a mischievous grin, "of course."

"Okay," I huff, "then how do we get in?"

"Well, behind the chem lab, there's a window, no one ever locks that window. All we have to do is enter."

"Such an easy solution," my voice drips with sarcasm. He ignores me and begins walking behind the building. When we reached the chem lab, I could make out the smallest crack open, but reaching it was different. For starters, it was taller than either of us, there was no way to reach it. "So, how do we reach it?"

"You jump?" he states, matter of factly.

My mouth hangs open and I start to protest, "I don't think s-"

"I'll give you a boost and you should be able to reach it. Unless we just wasted this time and you don't need your backpack after all?" He doesn't wait for my answer and bends down, intertwining his two hands together.

"Fine," I grumble at him as I prepare my position. I place one hand on his shoulder and my one foot on his hands. He lifts me up, but right as I reach the edge, I land sideways and fall. Grayson burst out in laughter as I glared at him in return. I get up and dust myself off. "Let me try again." I do it a second time but to no avail.

"Third time's a charm?" he says, not hiding his overwhelming laughter.

"Seems like the third time was not," I tell him from the ground as I move my now dry hair from my face.

"Come on Straws, you have to jump higher."

I glare at him in annoyance and when I step on his hands, I make sure to apply as much pressure as he lowers it a bit in pain. I smile to myself as I use my other leg to boost me. Grayson pushes the soles of my feet and I am able to grab onto the edge, pulling myself in. I tumble down in a fit of hysterical laughter on the cold floor. Once it subsides I look outside and wave at him. "I'm in. I'm in." I stop as the realization hits me, "how are you going to get inside?"

He grins at me, "why? Are you afraid of the dark?" I gulp as I look around because as a matter of fact, yes, I was afraid of the dark. I stand petrified until I hear his voice again. "Relax, just turn on your flashlight and keep it dim. We don't want you appearing on the cameras."

"Flashlight? Cameras?"

I turn around and notice one of them blinking and heading my way. I crouch down, under one of the chem lab tables, my phone rolling away, and I stay there in the darkness. "Grayson, don't leave me alone," but he was nowhere to be heard, "please." The darkness engulfed me like a mother would an estranged child or a long-lost friend you never expected to see again. To me, the darkness was familiar but I never wanted it near me again. It seemed to be calling me. It captured me like the rain moments before, yielding me to remember a night I wanted to move past. Yet, here I was. Hearing the familiar voice and seeing the familiar images. Amelia. I've missed you so. I looked around trying to find the voice, knowing it was in my head, but the voice felt so real. I could see the blinding streetlights as I repeated over and over, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

The lights come closer as the tears roll down. "Nooo-" I yell before I am jolted back to my senses, with a shake.


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