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     A YOUNG WOMAN RAN THROUGH THE HALLS of the Fire Nation Royal Palace, laughing to herself as she heard her servants behind her calling for her to stop. "Milady, please! We need to get you dressed!" a handmaiden shouted as she tried to get her lady to stop and head back to the bedroom to finish changing for the day. The young woman, however, was not stopping as she hurried into a room and shut the doors. She pressed her ear against the wood of the door and listened as her maids ran past down the hall, calling her name.

"My dear, have you been pestering your handmaidens again?" an older woman's voice questioned. The younger woman who had run from her maids jumped in fright and turned to face the person to whom the voice belonged. She had thought she was alone in the small study but was surprised to see her mother-in-law standing at a bookshelf.

"My apologies, Lady Ursa; I'm still getting used to the palace and this new life." she apologized to her mother-in-law with a bashful smile. The older woman called Ursa chuckled and approached her daughter-in-law and took her hands, brushing a fallen strand of hair out of her eyes as any mother would do.

"I understand completely, Yan. You did just marry my son and became Fire Lady not too long ago. If you need any advice, we can always call on Iroh for some lessons." Ursa suggested with a smile. Her daughter-in-law nodded eagerly in agreement, thanking her for her guidance. "For now, I'll distract the maids so you can get away."

After Yan and Zuko had confessed their hidden love for each other, they were quick to get married. The union between an Earth Kingdom civilian and a Fire Nation Royal was held with much speculation and gossip. Yan's family was shocked to hear the news and her grandmother even began treating her differently, though the rebellious girl never forgave her for her past treatment. Her parents were incredibly supportive of the union and Zuko's mother was more than happy to be gaining a new daughter-in-law. The wedding was an extravagant event that lasted an entire week. Everyone from the Four Nations attended, including Team Avatar who were very surprised by their two friends' wedding, though they were happy nonetheless.

Becoming the Fire Lady of the Fire Nation almost immediately was a major culture shock for Yan. The Fire Nation's culture was very different from the Earth Kingdom's, so learning how to do things all over again was challenging. She had various teachers for etiquette, table manners, and other behaviors royals were supposed to have. It was the most challenging aspect of her life; she practically had to learn how to walk and eat as if she were a child. There were many gossipers who talked about her behind her back, which only discouraged her further; after many visits with Iroh, she began her lessons with her head held high. Though she still retained her Earth Kingdom personality, which was why she had run from her maids in the first place.

"I heard that Aang, Katara, Suki, Sokka, and Toph were coming here, so I don't see the need to get dressed in a heavy robe and a crown that pokes my scalp. I think I look fine dressed like this. Even Zuko isn't dressed in his regal clothes to see his friends." she smiled as she gestured to her clothes. Ursa chuckled and nodded in agreement, pulling a loose strand off her daughter-in-law's tunic.

"Well, you'd better not keep your friends waiting. I'll cover for you." Ursa smiled. Yan grinned and kissed her mother-in-law on the cheek before hurrying out of the study. She moved carefully and quickly through the halls and corridors of the palace until she reached the garden where she normally went whenever she needed alone time. She sat beside a large pond where turtle ducks typically congregated, a turtle duck chick walking up to her and quacking.

"So this is where you go whenever you run from the servants?" Zuko's voice said as he entered the garden. Yan looked up at him as he approached and smiled, nodding at his observation.

𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍 | prince zukoWhere stories live. Discover now