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for clarification, you and Matt are dating in this!!



It was a late Friday evening and you were in the triplets' guest bathroom adding finishing touches to your makeup, humming along to your Spotify playlist as you stared in the mirror. You bit your tongue as you focused on angling the mascara wand just right, your eyebrows raised high up on your forehead in the process. Tonight had been planned for a week now; you, the triplets, Madi, and Nate were all going to an "influencer" party. You weren't big on parties, and you knew the triplets hesitated going to them as well, but this one was hosted by your friend, Larray. All of you adored him, and you knew he would make this a fun one, so it was worth going to.

Once you finally got your eyelashes just right, you dug around in your bag for some perfume to finish the look. Your hand grazed a cold bottle and you immediately remembered the shopping trip you and Madi took earlier that day for party outfits. A quick Sephora peak quickly led you two on a shopping spree, eventually landing a new perfume in your hands. This was a scent you'd never owned before and you had fallen in love when you smelled it in the store, so you decided to try it out. You spritzed a few sprays on your neck, wrists, and collarbones. Satisfied, you slipped the bottle back in the bag and packed up your stuff, pausing your song.

Knocks rang on the door and you jumped. You sighed and quickly opened the door, pursing your lips with attitude as you looked up and met eyes with Matt. He was wearing a black shirt with the top few buttons left undone, his collar framing his neck in a flattering manner. Butterflies flipped your stomach in different directions as you took in the sight of your boyfriend dressed up, the feeling only intensifying as you notice the silver rings hugging his fingers. His eyes mirror your's, looking your figure up and down and analyzing the black square-line top you wore paired with your black mini skirt. Both clothing items had a tiny red bow, one on the middle of the shirt's neckline and the other in the middle of the skirt's waistband.

His face glowed as the stupid smirk he always carried formed on his lips. "Did I scare 'ya, babe?"

"No, I jumped and let out a squeal for no reason." You rolled your eyes sarcastically and a smirk grew on your own face. He let out a breathy chuckle and he took a step over to you, his thumbs tracing small circles in the dip of your waist as his hands settled there.

"You look gorgeous, by the way. Love the red." He gazed down at your lips, which were adorned in a deep red lipstick with glittery gloss to match the bows, and a pink tint heated up his cheeks and ears as he smiled. Your own face quickly grew warm as well, red flushing your skin. You smiled as his fingers hooked themselves on the waistband of your skirt and he adjusted it so that the bow was in line with the bow on your shirt. He whispered, "I love this, too."

"Quit ittt, you're just tryna get me all worked up and get a reaction out of me." You whined as you wrapped your arms around his neck, fiddling with his collar as you buried your flustered face in his chest. You felt his torso rumble as he giggled at you, his arms wrapping fully around you as he pulled you in for a hug. He rested his face in the crook of your neck as your hands now found purchase in the hair at the base of his neck, twirling strands of it gently in your fingers. You two fell quiet as you soaked in this comforting moment, calm in each other's presence.

You felt his shoulders tense suddenly and he pulled his face back to look at you. You notice his cheeks and ears are now practically on fire, his smile growing bigger. "What?" You giggle the word at his weirdness.

"You smell like really, really good. Oh my gosh." He leans back in and takes in a deep breath through his nose, his hair grazing the skin on your neck. You blush and giggle, shoving him back playfully.

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