pretty flowers for my pretty girl

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hey guys!! this is another cutie patootie one, so im thinkin i'll go a more emotional route for the next one. anyways, i hope you guys are doing well and i hope yall enjoy!!


"I don't know... I'm not used to this kinda stuff! You know that!" You giggled at the end of your sentence while applying more concealer in front of the mirror. You were at your friend's house getting ready for a date, and the word panic wasn't enough to express what you were feeling in that moment.

"Oh my goshhhh you guys have been dating for what... a year now? How in the world have you two only been on one date? And it was a movie night at his apartment! You two didn't even go out!" Your friend rolled her eyes dramatically as she curled her lashes. She was getting ready for a party, which you happily declined your invite to.

"It was sweet! And you know we both like staying in more. This is a big thing for us!" You closed the concealer bottle and began prying open your blush, struggling because of your shaky hands.

"Girl, he's just taking you to a restaurant. That's like the most basic date idea ever." She giggled and adjusted the clips that held back her hair.

"Um, excuse me, it's a fancy restaurant! And he made sure it was Italian because it's my favorite. He's putting in more effort than other guys, you know." You smiled as you thought about how long he spent searching for the best restaurant and how excited he was when he showed you the reservations. He practically beamed with pride.

"Alright, alright, he did good, I know. Just givin' you a hard time." You watched as your friend smiled at her mascara bottle, speaking in a teasing tone.

You giggled and scoffed, "I know you are. Love you regardless, though." You both laughed with each other and continued finishing your looks, enjoying the wholesome girlhood that was thriving in the room.

The moment was quickly interrupted when a car horn honked outside the window. You squealed and excitedly shot up from the floor, closing your blush and messily zipping your makeup bag. "He's here! Matt's in the driveway!"

"Woah, simmer down! Okay, give me a quick spin so I can make sure you're good!" Your friend stood up next to you, smiling as you spun in your short dress and dainty heels. Your hair fell beautifully along your shoulders, framing the necklace that rested in between your collarbones.

"He's gonna have to pick his jaw up when he sees you." She put her hands on her hips as she stared, grinning ear to ear. You laughed and playfully shoved her shoulder, excitement blossoming in your gut at the thought of Matt seeing you all dressed up.

"Awww, thank you, you're my number one fan." You two laughed as you rushed to grab your purse hanging from the door knob.

"Don't stay out too late! Have fun!" Your friend called after you and you hurried down the stairs, flying to the front door. You took a deep breath and brushed your hands down the front of your dress, attempting to look calm before you walked out. Your hand shakily met the handle and you opened the door, happily stepping outside.

You smiled as you walked towards Matt's car, holding eye contact with him. He was standing by the passenger side's door and watching you with flushed cheeks.

Your face went the same hue as his while you took in his appearance. His hair was neatly combed and swooped in a middle part across his forehead, just the way you told him you liked it. He was wearing a white collared shirt, the top two buttons left undone and the sleeves rolled up to his forearms, leaving his tattoos on display. His black pants matched his black shoes, and his silver rings matched his silver chain. Matt was so handsome that he managed to make the formal clothes look casual, causing butterflies to flutter through your stomach.

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