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Hi!! This chapter has some cussing! Sorry if that makes anyone uncomfortable!!

I'm sorry for being gone for so long! I have been super focused on school and other things in my life. Anyways, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 100K READS!! I genuinely started this book thinking I'd get like 10 reads max. I never thought I'd get here. Thank you all so, so much. I genuinely love every one of you to the moon and back and I am so grateful for you guys. Thank you. :-)

Anyways, this isn't a request but I am working on three of those at the moment! Hopefully they will be out soon! I hope you all enjoy!!


"I'll be fine. I'm just a little tired, that's all. Really, I'll be okay."

Lying. Straight through his teeth.

You could see it in his eyes, the way they shifted to anything but your own. In his cheeks, which were slowly becoming a light shade of embarrassed crimson. His hands that were nervously fiddling with his shirt collar.

Despite all of these obvious signs, you sighed and brushed it off. You let it go. Just for tonight.

"Alright Matt, but I swear, if anything happens at the party tonight, we're heading home immediately. No but's, no wait's, nothing. Okay?" You spoke firmly, putting your hair behind your ears.

He quickly nodded and shoved his hands in his pockets. You knew it was a bad decision to let him go with everything that's happened in the past week, but you also knew how stubborn Matt was. And how much he cared about you and your desires. If you had been excitedly talking about this party since the beginning of the week, then he was for sure going to go with you. For you.

Even if he was utterly exhausted. So tired, actually, that you could see it in every fiber of his being. The way his shoulders were weakly slumped during the day, the dark bags embedded deep beneath his eyes, and how he'd often been found dozing off somewhere, whether it be on your shoulder or on the floor.

You also saw it in his behavior. You always knew Matt became clingy when he was tired, but the past few days have been a whole different story. He'd practically beg you for alone time, pulling you away from his brothers and friends. It was almost as if you were a drug he'd been prescribed for his drained mental state and he'd became dependent on it. You constantly felt his eyes on you, especially when you were conversing with someone else. Your carefree talks with Nick were now tense as you felt Matt's blue-eyed stare digging into your back. Your inside jokes with Chris were now always interrupted by him, your joyful exchange of humor repeatedly being cut short.

Of course, there's always a reason behind a drastic change in someone's demeanor. Matt had been struggling with his hectic work life for the past two months. You knew his breaking point was coming soon; you just didn't know when. You were oblivious to the fact that it'd actually be tonight, and it wouldn't be a tearful meltdown in your arms during early morning hours like he'd done many times this past week. It also wouldn't be work-centered.

It'd be centered around something he was much more passionate about.

Something he was much more protective of.


You took in a sharp breath as you goggled at the sight in front of you: Matt fixing his hair in his bathroom, biting his bottom lip intently. His rolled-up sleeves sat flirtatiously just above his elbows, allowing you to stare at his tattooed forearms that flexed every now and then.

You sauntered your way up to him and subconsciously tugged at the material of your mini-dress around your stomach, making sure everything was in place. You slid into the space next to him and began busying yourself by applying lotion to your neck and hands, trying to play it cool. "You look handsome. I love your hair like that." You smiled up at him in the mirror, then continued with your task.

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