backseat lovin'

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hiiii everyoneee!! i hope everyone is having an awesome day/night lollll! this short is pretty simple and i tried going for a lighthearted one :) so i hope everyone enjoys!!!!

love you guys sooo much! thanks for being here! okay ill wiggle away now

this title reminds me of one of my fav bands hehe


You shifted a bit in your seat, looking out of the car's window. The outside world was enveloped in red, yellow, and orange as autumn leaves hit the ground. The sun began setting over the horizon, and you admired the colors settling in the clouds. Boston was a beautiful place and you couldn't fathom how grateful you were to be there. You were in the triplets' old van, sitting in their parents' driveway in the town they grew up in. Everything was perfect. The best thing, though, was the person sitting in the driver's seat: Matt.

His hand was slowly grazing your thigh in a repetitive pattern and you listened as his other hand drummed the steering wheel with his fingers. You looked over and gazed at the boy. He was looking out at the sky, the colors illuminating his skin. You loved the way the sky always lit up his eyes. It seemed like they became infinitely more blue when he was in the sun; even if it was setting.

A warm feeling crept through your body as you watched him. He wasn't doing much, yet you felt a balloon of love for him swell inside your chest. As if he could hear your thoughts, his head suddenly turned towards you and he gave you a huge smile. You immediately blushed and couldn't help but smile back.

He whispered, "Love 'ya."

"Love you, too, dork." Your hand found his and you held it in your lap. The both of you just sat and stared at one another, taking everything in.

"This is my favorite thing. Just you and me." He spoke with a daydreamy look on his face, causing you to smile harder. You paused, thinking of every time you and Matt went back to Boston and sat in this van. These moments that you shared with him were some of the most valuable times to you, even if they lasted for only a few hours. As you remembered them, you realized your favorite part hadn't happened yet.

"Wanna know what my favorite thing is?" You began toying with the rings on his fingers, your excitement rising to the surface as the sun got lower and lower.

"The passenger seat? Since you're the princess?" Matt giggled at his own joke, pride evident in his expression. You rolled your eyes and laughed at him.

"No, doofus!" You glanced up at the ceiling of the car and bit your bottom lip while smiling. "It's the backseat."

Your words were followed by abrupt silence and you looked back at him, confused. You found him staring wide-eyed at you with a flushed face and ears that were on fire. He gulped and shifted a bit in his seat, his hand's hold tightening on your's. You smiled obliviously, trying to figure out what was going on. Then it hit you.

"Oh my gosh, not like that! Jeez!" You laughed and shoved his arm. He let out a breath that he'd been subconsciously holding and laughed with you.

"Here." You decided that it'd be best to show him. You crawled your way over the console and into the backseat. You looked back up front and gestured for Matt to join you, ignoring his amusing red cheeks. Once he was sat next to you and watching you curiously, you reached up and opened the sun roof. Three stars were already showing in the darkening sky and they twinkled beautifully above the van. You smiled and pointed at them, whispering "This is my favorite thing. When we watch the stars back here."

Matt smiled and leaned back, laying down against the seat. He opened his arms and you crawled comfortably into him, fitting like a puzzle piece. You both looked up and watched as more stars began settling in for the night. You sighed as you watched them shine. The two of you laid there for a good half hour before you finally broke the stillness.

"I know this might sound stupid or whatever, but when I was a kid, I used to stare at the stars when I couldn't sleep and pray that I'd grow up to be as pretty as them. I just love them so much." You spoke quietly and listened to Matt's soft breaths as you laid on his chest. After a moment of silence, you figured he didn't have anything to respond with.

He suddenly spoke, his voice just above a whisper. "I would trade every star in the atmosphere if it meant I'd get to see you every night. You're beautiful."

You lifted your head and looked at him, shocked. He gave you a small smile and looked at you, tracing over every one of your features with his eyes. A need to kiss him swept your face towards his and your lips connected, his hands steady on the back of your head. It was as if your kiss was creating its own stars, sparking and glistening between you two.

Your hands intertwined with the fabric of his shirt and his fingers found their way to your hips, slipping under the hem of your top. The kiss gradually became messier as you both grew out of breath. You assumed it was over and pulled away, but Matt's lips chased after your's and claimed them again. Butterflies swarmed your gut at how hungry he suddenly seemed for you. Heat crept up your neck as this sweet moment began turning into a full blown make out session.

You reached for his hair and twirled strands of it around your fingers right at the base of his neck, causing him to gasp and sigh into your mouth. His hands explored the skin under your shirt and left trails of goosebumps in every spot they grazed. Your senses heightened as his lips trailed down your chin to your jaw and settled on your neck. He began kissing and loving on all of the sweetest spots you had, the locations of them coming to him as if it were second nature. You shivered and sighed each time he moved onto a new area, small noises slipping out here and there. He was perfect. Everything about him was perfect.

He continued with this until you were a mess in his arms. Finally, he kissed each spot tenderly and pecked your lips with a smile. You caught your breath and looked at him. It was your turn to make him feel loved.

You dove for his neck and found your way to the spot you knew was his favorite, tucked away in the corner under his jawline. You heard him take a sharp inhale and felt his hands squeeze the life out of your waist. He had assumed it was over, but you weren't done yet.

You worked the area around his favorite spot, enjoying the feeling of his heart picking up pace every time you got closer to it. You listened to his gasps and deep breaths as you marked up his skin. Words weren't enough to describe how much you adored him.

After a minute of him shifting impatiently and breathing heavily, you finally gave in and loved on his sensitive spot. Matt's body instantly reacted and he jerked like a bolt of lightning, squirming in the seat. You reached over and rested your hand on the window above him to stabilize yourself as you continued kissing on him. A groan bubbled up from his throat, the sound of it almost making your arm give out. It was the hottest thing you'd ever heard.

The two of you continued until you were both out of breath and collapsed in the seat, holding onto each other. It was completely dark outside now, the stars providing the only source of light. You looked up and noticed that the windows had fogged up at some point. You giggled, "What the.. how'd that even happen? We probably look so suspicious right now."

Matt giggled and reached up, pointing at the window above his head. "Oh, we definitely look suspicious." You followed his finger and found your hand print on the foggy window. Your eyes widened and you both busted into laughter, clinging onto each other.

You sat up and went to wipe it off with your sleeve, but Matt stopped you. Without saying anything, he pulled out his phone and took a picture of it, adding it to his favorites. You scoffed and rolled your eyes, earning a snicker from him.

This moment meant everything to you. It was just you and him.

And, of course, the constellations that were watching from above.



okay i have been being slammed by school recently so... i know this took a while to update... but i'm tryna remain studious so bare with me during this school year LOLLL

anyways i am going to get to every request i have received, it'll just take me a bit! i promise im not avoiding them, im just trying to get everything out :) thank you guys so much for requests btw i love them yall are so cute

thank you so much for reading i love all of you guys so so much!!!!

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