Blood Debts

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A/N I may have not mentioned it earlier but during "Legends of Yesterday" Barry time traveled making the entire future timeline change. 

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Four Months From Now:

I stood in front of the gravestone. I could feel tears coming so I closed my eyes. The service had ended 2 hours ago, but I was still here. There was this huge pit in my stomach.
Twigs snapped and someone walked over to me. They put and arm on my shoulder. "Ollie." I warned. We stood there for a moment before speaking. "Now I know... That it's not my fault. It's my responsibility." I said. "Responsibility? To do what?" He asked. I could here the concern in his voice. "To end it. I'm going to kill him." I replied.

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A black Honda Civic sped down the street and stopped near us. I held Marcus's hand. "Come on. Let's get you somewhere safe." I told him. "No more bad men?" He asked me again. "Yes. I promise." I said and led him to the car. Laurel stepped out of the car and rushed over to us. "Mom!" Marcus yelled excitedly when seeing her. He rushed to her and hugged her. "I knew you'd come back." He said happily. I smiled at the sight. I took a seat in the car while Laurel got Marcus in the car. We sped away. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "Felicity is in the hospital. The ghosts attacked her and Oliver." "What?!" I said raising her my voice. "Yes. But in the meantime we need to get Marcus somewhere safe. Was it the ghosts?" She asked me. "I want to say so but one of them was dead on the floor. The parents wouldn't have been able to do that by the looks of them. They were dead first." I replied. "You think someone's targeting you?" "I'm not sure. If anything it could be you but whoever did it wasn't under Darhk's command. Something in that house felt familiar. Not sure what but it'll come to me eventually." "Should we take him to the bunker?" Laurel asked me. "I'm not sure... take him to my apartment." I replied.

⬡ ・ ⬡ ・ ⬡

I handed Laurel the keys to my apartment as we stepped out of the car. Marcus was in the backseat snoring. I picked him up and carried him up the stairs. Laurel unlocked the door and I walked in. I slipped off my shoes and put Marcus down on my bed in the other room. I pulled the covers up and closed the door to the room. I walked to the Kitchen where Laurel was standing. Her facial expression was hard to read as usual. "He's safe. There's nothing to worry about." I reassured her. "I feel awful. I left him for four years. And look what happened. It's my faul-" She said. "Nope. It's not." I replied walking closer and wrapping my arms around her. She didn't pull away like usual. "You were busy. I was gone. He was safer without us." I replied. "What are we going to tell the others?" She asked. "Let's figure it out when we get there." I said. She buried her head in the crook of my neck and I gently shifted my weight from one leg to another wincing in pain. I ignored it and wished it away. For the only thing I had wished for Christmas in the past 8 years was this. Laurel and I together. It might not last long so I had to take the opportunity when it arose.

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I walked into the bunker. "Any luck?" I asked Oliver noticing him in his suit. "Just more Ghosts who would rather die than talk. Nobody- nobody is going to give up Darhk." He replied putting his bow away. Diggle walked over and nodded. "John, we got to talk to Andy again." Oliver told Diggle. "I don't think Andy is in a very cooperative place." He replied. "Darhk is gone to ground. Right now, unless things change, Andy is our best chance of catching him." Laurel entered the room. "Felicity's going in for another surgery. If we hurry, we might be able to see her before she goes into prep." She said. "No. No. Darhk's in the wind. The longer he's there, the harder he's going to be to catch. I'm going to stay here, find something useful from the tip line. It's what Felicity would want me to do." I walked over to her. "Where's Marcus?" I asked. "He's in the bathroom upstairs. Can you take care of him?" "Yeah. I was planning on it anyway." I replied and left.

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