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"I cannot thank you enough for coming on board, Alex." Thea thanked the man in the campaign office. 

I handed him a glass of water. 

"Well, then it is a good thing you're paying me, also." He replied. 

Oliver walked in, "Sorry for the wait." 

"Ollie, this is Alex Davis, the new political strategist that Walter recommended." Thea told him. 

Oliver shook his hand, "Old enough to vote, Alex?"

"I owned a bar and I wasn't even old enough to drink." Thea stated. 

"You did what?" I asked. 

"Ages ago. I'll explain later." Oliver reassured. 

I nodded and took a seat in the corner. 

"I am old enough to do both." Alex answered. 

"Well, I'm glad that you're joining the team, but I don't entirely know why I need a political strategist." Oliver asked confused. 

"Well... I guess the question then is, do you want to take office with ten percent of the vote or 90 After you win, you still need to be able to govern." Alex explained. 

"Well, what has you concerned? My lack of experience?"

"No, we can spin that. No, I'm talking about the kind of closet skeletons that could cripple you on your first day in office. Your personal Chappaquiddick." 

"Wait, like that game from Harry Potter?" Thea asked. 

I chuckled. 

"Uh, Chappaquiddick was a scandal involving a can't-lose candidate whose campaign fell apart when he was caught having an affair after his vehicle went underwater and the girl he was with drowned. Does that sound at all familiar?" Alex asked. 

"Ah, referencing the "Queen's Gambit" and Sara Lance." Oliver implied. 

"You're about to do your first on-air sit down, right?" 


"Bethany Snow? Ten'll get you twenty, she brings up Sara and Samantha." 

"Alex, all due respect, I don't think that people care about my friendship with Samantha Clayton and an eight-year-old scandal when the city is disintegrating and there are masked armed men helping it. Not to mention, there's a woman in Pennytown that's just running around killing people." 

Alex nodded, "You're right. I'm sorry. For a moment, I forgot how the electorate always cares about the issues and has zero appetite for scandal. You want this city united? You can't do it as the rich kid playboy from the tabloids. And like it or not, Samantha Clayton is a constant reminder of that. So from this day forward, when anyone brings up Samantha Clayton, you distance yourself from her."

I swung the stick at Oliver. 

He blocked and tried to sweep my leg. I jumped up and tried to roundhouse kick him in the face. I failed, he grabbed my foot and spun me over. 

I face planted into the mat and groaned. 

"Again." I demanded and got up dusting myself off. 

"By the way, that political strategist was a good call." Oliver said helping me up.

"Don't thank me. it was Thea's idea. His advice was a little harsh. I mean, distancing yourself from Laurel, and Samantha? By the way are you still in touch with her?" I asked. 

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