Chapter 13: The Yakuza

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"So you are Izuku Midoriya," a man in a well tailored suit asked, "I'm surprised that a lowly street racer has asked to see me."

Izuku shrugged, "What can I say? I like to expand my horizons. I know you need business taken care of, but there are heroes in the way. Sure, you could pay some of the more corrupt ones to turn away, but otherwise, it's the top 50 that have you worried. They'll ruin your merchandise, intercept your deliveries, and put your boys away."

"Hmm, go on," the man beckoned, sitting down next to him.

They were seen in a diner, with patrons waiting in line to get food, where Izuku had already gotten his, and the man next to him was only there to talk. Around the diner, sat 10 men with dates, only they were disguised that way to watch over the well tailored man. It was quite busy in the diner, and people liked coming here.

"See, you need a street racer that isn't a hero or associated with the government in some way, and there's aren't many around the world like that, and even fewer willing to do so behind their backs," Izuku informs, "I can get you what you need, all I ask is a little payment."

"Why should I pay you for your services, when I can just have one of my men find someone you care about and hold them hostage," the man asked, with a slightly threatening tone lacing his words.

Izuku only smiled, "Because you Yakuza boys have more honor than that. I know that you won't resist police and heroes if they catch your boys in the act, so they'll be thrown in jail for some time before you pay the bail, and your boys have to make up for it. But it also takes a toll on your profits of drugs and disappearing money shipments."

"Very impressive," the man nods his head, "I can see I've made the right choice to call upon you, Izuku Midoriya. But you didn't answer my question from earlier."

Izuku sighed as he put down his chopsticks, "Because the second you pick up that phone to give your men the word, someone in that house will be there waiting for action. I'll deal with them, then I'll come for you."

The two locked eyes, the tension unnoticed by the regular patrons, but still being noticed by the 10 men in the room. Izuku could tell they were getting ready if things went south.

"Watch yourself boy," the man threatened, "Do you really think you can get out of here alive?"

"Figure I could take on all 20 of you," Izuku smiled, turning back to his food, "I mean your 10 guys in here, and the 10 outside."

The man chuckled, "Yes, I don't have a doubt that you can. After all, a man of your reputation has made enemies before and is no stranger to violence."

"Then I think you've found your man," Izuku smiled, knowing where this conversation was going, "Now, I only want to know how much you'll pay me for each run you'll have me do."

The man smiled and put his hat on the counter, and raised his hand calling for a waiter, "30 million each run, plus a 5 million bonus if you can avoid heroes catching you."

"What about avoiding them altogether," Izuku asked, curious of what the yakuza wanted.

"Impossible," the man shook his head with amusement, "I don't think even you could ever do that."

Izuku only chuckled, "If you think that's impossible, let me ask you something. Have you ever flown a tank?"

"Again, impossible, it's a land vehicle, not aerial," the man shook his head, losing his smile.

Izuku slid his phone over, "Not if it's already in the air after being dropped from a plane."

The man looked at the phone and indeed saw Izuku shooting the machine gun on top of the tank at two American raptors taking one down. It was only a matter of time before the tank was firing it's main cannon and hitting the second one down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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